Universal freight organisation

Has anyone got any photographs or info about UFO my dad used to work for them back in the 80s but sadly passed away .
Any info or pics would be appreciated TIA.

A friend of mine used to work there


Back in the day I did pull some trailers for them, IIRC they had a satelite office in Southampton but its a very long time ago, nicknamed “unidentified flying object” I did have one picture but cant find it, Buzzer

my mate worked at Woodkirk nr Dewsbury not sure if that was there head office, i have also a pic of one of there F10s but it has Paul Gees name on so not sure i can post it

I can’t remember exactly - but I’m pretty sure there was a UFO thread some years ago here on TNUK - best of luck.



DID .U.FO.have a agents office in DOVER .

DID .U.FO.have a agents office in DOVER .

From what i can remember going with my dad they did have a office in Dover.

Back in the day I did pull some trailers for them, IIRC they had a satelite office in Southampton but its a very long time ago, nicknamed “unidentified flying object” I did have one picture but cant find it, Buzzer

I see what you did there-UFO-satellite :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: