Under the knife again

Finally got notice this morning, I’ve got to go into hospital on saturday 7th for my long awaited 2nd knee operation.
The good news is the NHS is paying for a private hospital so at least I’ll get a private room, decent food and sky tv :laughing: :laughing:
After the first op I was up and about after a few days and back at work after a couple of weeks so I’m hoping everything goes aswell this time. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Good luck chap, wish you a speedy recovery :slight_smile:

Good Luck Alfa man :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

All the best, and do try to leave the nurses alone :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Cheers for the support guy’s :slight_smile: :slight_smile:
Well everything seems to have worked out ok, got out this morning minus about 30% of my cartillage.
Still a bit unsteady on my feet with my knee looking a bit like a black and blue rugby ball but hopefully it’ll settle down after a few days .
Thanks again iain.

Heres wishing you a speedy recovery mate. :slight_smile: Take care