Unable to unload a curtain sider - who's at fault?

As been stated the load was 25kg bags of sand, and if it’s anything like the 25kg bags of flour will be 40 bags per tonne/pallet, which is hardly difficult to handball off especially if it’s a case of restacking it onto standard pallets while on the back of the trailer, or at least use 1 slave pallet, then restack onto the 1st original pallet, this would probably take 2 people and hour+ with a forkie moving the pallets once they’re restacked. I used to regularly handball >10 tonnes of flour solo, inc carrying it into premises so restacking pallets on the back would’ve been a piece of pee.

You sound a bit like me Pierre. I actually feel great after handballing a few tonnes of groupage off, theres nothing like the feeling of seratonin in your system after a bit of heavy weight lifting, keeps you fit and in shape as well…

I think everybody assumed that this was in bulk bags and not in 25 kg ones. That is not going to go down well but I suppose it is a sign of the times. There would have been no hesitation a few years ago, put up a pallet and another bod to help the driver and tranship it onto 4 ways; job done in half an hour.

Well I’ll be buggered. It goes down well with me mate. What’s happened to people nowadays. FFS, I’d have been only too willing to help the poor bugger out by hand balling it off. Some need to grow a pair, man up, whatever !

Stanley Knife:
Why are we importing sand?

I guess it’s the same reason why we import pebbles and aggregates from Spain :neutral_face:



Really want to drag a 1.5 ton pallet on a pallet truck?
It would not be mine favourite option, refuse to drag anything above 750kgs, for the risk and for my knees, elbows and back.

Yup. I managed it OK and I’ve got three knackered discs in my back. Your trailer and unit no doubt have these things called air suspension? Lower the back, raise the front and let physics help you out.

I don’t get it!
Big part of the people on here wouldn’t want to off-load at Lidl/Aldi with an ELECTRIC pallet truck on a dock and level floor.
But they don’t have a problem to off-load 1.5 ton pallets with a HAND pallet truck from an open trailer 8 foot from the floor■■?
You wonder why things never improve and health and safety rules are became what they are now.

And for dumping it, and leave your rubbish for someone else, that is no mentality!

It’s called being British, you wouldn’t understand. The inane need to grumble about whatever subject is at hand.


Stanley Knife:
Why are we importing sand?

I guess it’s the same reason why we import pebbles and aggregates from Spain :neutral_face:

Well, Kent County Council and Maidstone Borough council had a scheme to alter a one way system. While the road alterations were in progress, with the allied massive traffic delays, there was a several month hold up because the stone needed for the various paving or wallling facing was late in arriving from China. The delays are still going on while they finish off titivating.

There are various ragstone quarries in the immediate area. I live in one which was worked out many years ago. They managed to build Westminster Abbey and the Houses of Parliament with stone which came from it, but obviously local stone is no longer good enough; it simply isn’t trending.



Stanley Knife:
Why are we importing sand?

I guess it’s the same reason why we import pebbles and aggregates from Spain :neutral_face:

Well, Kent County Council and Maidstone Borough council had a scheme to alter a one way system. While the road alterations were in progress, with the allied massive traffic delays, there was a several month hold up because the stone needed for the various paving or wallling facing was late in arriving from China. The delays are still going on while they finish off titivating.

There are various ragstone quarries in the immediate area. I live in one which was worked out many years ago. They managed to build Westminster Abbey and the Houses of Parliament with stone which came from it, but obviously local stone is no longer good enough; it simply isn’t trending.

A lot of aggregate are specialist grades, a lot of filter sand is imported from Holland and Belgium.
The filter sand doesn’t come out quarry’s, but comes out the big rivers where it constantly get replaced due to erosion in the alps.
This sand is extremely pure and clean.
Other one is silver sand and casting sand.

Regarding helping a customer with getting their load on or off, as an operator can be an absolute nightmare and very good intentions can turn sour whneb it gets wrong, and most drivers after the hear of the massive claims will just say " I only tried to help"
In the past one of our subcontractors loaded a load of Whisky in Alexandria (Scotland)
To pump it in the tanker container, there was a problem as the truck could not get close enough to the loading point, and the driver was only carrying 2 length of alcohol pipes on his trailer.
To get it done, and to be in time for the ferry, he decided to pull another clean hose out his chassis, non alcohol approved.
This hose appeared to the driver “clean” however had been used previously to off-load a vegetable fat.
When finished loading the loader wanted to take a sample and there was a white substance floating on top of the whisky.
The load got put under quarantine until they found out what the floating product was.
When they found out, the product had to be destroyed on supervision of HMRC.
The cost of this was just over 1.2 million pound (18 year old whisky 70% proof for export, the whisky get diluted in Italy to 45% proof)
The driver could have avoid the disaster by just refusing to load, his company would have found a “better solution”

On another occasion, a helpfull driver undid the lifting straps from a CD pressing machine, at the same moment and just before he undid the last strap, the crane driver lifted the machine, and pulled it over and dropped of the trailer.
Insurance claim for a machine rebuild in Italy, transport cost and lost time for production.

Hence my reason: if it cannot be off-loaded than it is the receivers, and the senders problem, I sit back and wait.
And yes in 36+ years in transport, I have plenty stuff handballed, even barrels of oil which tyres on the floor to damp the impact.
Animal feed, handbaling on the trailer, and back off again at the customer.
But otherwise if it’s not mend to be touched by me, I won’t touch it.

In the bulk and tanker transport is it a regular occurrence that a load get rejected or there is over ordered, if it doesn’t fit, than I have to take it back, and they can sort the cost for it between theirselves.

There are various ragstone quarries in the immediate area. I live in one which was worked out many years ago. They managed to build Westminster Abbey and the Houses of Parliament with stone which came from it, but obviously local stone is no longer good enough; it simply isn’t trending.

That same argument could be applied to coal and other fossil fuels which they import to burn for electric generation despite there being ample reserves below the surface of the uk

I had a similar situation when I was on the pallets malarkey - a packing case from the US which was around 3.5m or more long and about a metre square. And heavy.

Obviously couldn’t get it on the tail lift and the recipient didn’t have a fork lift.

I asked the suit who appeared if they knew of someone on the estate with a forklift who’d take it off for a bung (not out of my pocket, obvs) and he looked at me as if I had made an utterly ridiculous suggestion. Then he said that it was my firms responsibility to provide suitable equipment to which I replied that he shouldn’t be ordering stuff which he had no means of handling.

We won - when I took it back a couple of days later, there was a fork lift waiting.

as they say Where theres a will, Theres a way…so a bit of mental thinking and the loads gonna come off, regardless. Some of the blame must rest with the driver himself, for not realising HTF am i gonna tip this…there is a way to turn the pallets, come hell or high water…or was there a company nearby who had an loading bay you could have used, ( for a fee ) but loading bay or not, its still gonna be a problem with the pallets, they were probably Pushed along the trailer…but by refusing the delivery, its gonna cost a lot to put right.

As been stated the load was 25kg bags of sand, and if it’s anything like the 25kg bags of flour will be 40 bags per tonne/pallet, which is hardly difficult to handball off especially if it’s a case of restacking it onto standard pallets while on the back of the trailer, or at least use 1 slave pallet, then restack onto the 1st original pallet, this would probably take 2 people and hour+ with a forkie moving the pallets once they’re restacked. I used to regularly handball >10 tonnes of flour solo, inc carrying it into premises so restacking pallets on the back would’ve been a piece of pee.

I’ve often had to restack 1250kgs of 25kg bags from one pallet to another. Sometimes a damaged pallet will collapse and the only way to move again is to put it all on another. 10 rows of 5. It doesn’t take that long to be honest. More than one pallet though I’d need a brew in between.

It does seem pathetic to reject the load especialy considering how far he had to go to return it. Surley between you a method could have found to unload it, even if you had to send a snotty email saying load it like this next time and it will be sent away.

Trouble is though too many senders take the attidude of “Its on the truck it’s no longer my problem.” Even though it’s about to fall through the curtains or it going to be a nightmare to tip etc.

On the flip side though there are too many warehouses who seem to desperatly trying to find a excuse to reject whatever comes through the gate. “You’re too late/early, wrong type of lorry, no booking number etc etc.” At the same time they will happily keep you waiting four hours if they let you in just to unload one pallet.

Of course its the transport co.s and driver who are caught in the middle.

Down to bad planning by the sender, so imo, it’s their problem. It’s not ‘delivered’ until it’s on the floor at the receivers address.

Are we basing all this on the notion that it was the OP who refused the load? What if it was his boss who came out, looked it up and down then said bugger off?

Are we basing all this on the notion that it was the OP who refused the load? What if it was his boss who came out, looked it up and down then said bugger off?

That sounds like Morrisons lol


Improvise, adapt and overcome.


is the correct answer. Army speak. :grimacing:


Stanley Knife:
Why are we importing sand?

I guess it’s the same reason why we import pebbles and aggregates from Spain :neutral_face:

The polished pebbles and stone we carry from Malaga onwards to northern europe inc the UK is mainly for fish tanks and ponds, not all aggregate is suitable for fish and a lot of this comes from quarries in Hungary where theres an abundance of it. Theres big money in it, a 1t bulk bag is around 400eur (type dependant), we sort/grade and repackage into 5kg bags and reload the bulk bags each with 200x5kg bags. These 5kg bags retail for around 8eur+ making a 30t load valued at 48000eur.
Apparently there are quarries in the UK which produce some pond/tank suitable stone but cant compete with imported prices. Much of the stuff which ends up in the UK is sold at Pets at home…

image.jpeghad polish lorry in yesterday ,the roof was stuck at the back and wouldn’t roll forward ,fortunately I have a big fork lift with wide spread forks Otherwise I’d be stuck .

we sort/grade and repackage into 5kg bags and reload the bulk bags each with 200x5kg bags…

Im surprised no one has refused a load of bagged product you bring to England

the nodding donkey:



Really want to drag a 1.5 ton pallet on a pallet truck?
It would not be mine favourite option, refuse to drag anything above 750kgs, for the risk and for my knees, elbows and back.

Yup. I managed it OK and I’ve got three knackered discs in my back. Your trailer and unit no doubt have these things called air suspension? Lower the back, raise the front and let physics help you out.

I don’t get it!
Big part of the people on here wouldn’t want to off-load at Lidl/Aldi with an ELECTRIC pallet truck on a dock and level floor.
But they don’t have a problem to off-load 1.5 ton pallets with a HAND pallet truck from an open trailer 8 foot from the floor■■?
You wonder why things never improve and health and safety rules are became what they are now.

And for dumping it, and leave your rubbish for someone else, that is no mentality!

It’s called being British, you wouldn’t understand. The inane need to grumble about whatever subject is at hand.

On the other hand there’s a world of difference.
On one hand
…Making up for a multi million pound co’s policy of economising on labour by imposing the job on drivers whether they want to do it or not.

On the other.
…Helping out a fellow driver who is stuck (through no fault of his own) to get a quick turnaround to enable to ship back out home to Belgium instead of enduring all the h&s arses who refuse to do anything beyond the normal methods.

Now do you ‘Get it’ Mr Caledonia?

If they were only 25kg bags, handball, simples. Could you not find a spare pair of hands to help driver to do this, soon be done.