Maybe this is a common problem, if so please excuse a newbie question.
Had to turn away a Belgian truck we were unable to unload. It was carrying 9 pallets of sand of about 1300 kg each on 2-way entry pallets with slats top & bottom that could only be lifted with a counterbalance truck. It had been loaded via the rear doors - we don’t have a loading bay so can only take then off the side. (We have a ramp to unload ISO containers, but there was no means of anchoring this to the trailer). I felt for the young driver, he was supposed to pick up a back load this afternoon and drop it in Belgium in the morning.
I now have a dispute with the supplier over the transport cost. We’ve had several previous deliveries, never had an issue before.
Who do you think is at fault here?
Improvise, adapt and overcome.
Could you not drop a pallet truck on the body and couple of you either turn the things round or run them to the back of the trailer and lift 'em off.
If somebody says Health and Safety i’ll bloody scream.
If your company specified to the supplier “Side tip only!” then they are at fault, if you didn’t then you are at fault, imo.
i read it, that it’s those god awful pallets with the slats running horizontally across the bottom, making it impossible to get a pump truck under.
Wht I would have done is force the ends of the forks under the side of the pallets, lift enough to get some skids under, then lift the whole pallet and drop it onto a fourway.
So long as the forkie knows what they are doing, it works fine.
Handball them off, think of all the good excerise 
pete smith:
Handball them off, think of all the good excerise 
It’s only sand, a stanley knife, shovel and a wheelbarrow will get the job done… Eventually 
It’s either between you or the consignor, unless there was specific mention of the type of transport/means of offload mentioned.
The haulier will not be at fault unless they did not comply with any requirement as above.
Another lesson in life for whoever is ‘at fault’.
i read it, that it’s those god awful pallets with the slats running horizontally across the bottom, making it impossible to get a pump truck under.
Wht I would have done is force the ends of the forks under the side of the pallets, lift enough to get some skids under, then lift the whole pallet and drop it onto a fourway.
So long as the forkie knows what they are doing, it works fine.
A decent pump truck should be able to break the bottom slats enough to drag them.
Whoever decided to load it like that wants ■■■■■■■ up the arse with the rough end of a pineapple. It was absolutely obvious it was likely to cause a problem. If you had struggled for an hour or so to get them off and then tried to charge for your time and trouble you’d likely have got nowhere, so you have probably done the most effective thing by refusing to accept delivery, they certainly won’t be doing it again. As it is, the goods belong to the consignor until the consignee accepts delivery, and you haven’t - so it is the supplier who has the problem. Unless of course the sand was 25 kg bags in which case you could have handballed it off.
How did they load it through the rear doors?
i read it, that it’s those god awful pallets with the slats running horizontally across the bottom, making it impossible to get a pump truck under.
Wht I would have done is force the ends of the forks under the side of the pallets, lift enough to get some skids under, then lift the whole pallet and drop it onto a fourway.
So long as the forkie knows what they are doing, it works fine.
A decent pump truck should be able to break the bottom slats enough to drag them.
maybe, having battled with a few in my time, it’s easier said than done. That and half of those type pallets are too narrow to actually get a pump truck in.
Just force the forks under and drop some new pallets on the yard to put them on .
Was the sand in ibc bags with handles. Or bags on pallets? Should have used the handles then placed the pallets on the floor to correct them if the former. And to be honest, once the transport vendor has arrived on site, providing he’s on time, that’s their bit fulfilled, unless you’ve paid for the driver to unload. Pretty much on the customer
Why cudnt they be turned with a pallet truck . And why could not the ramp chains go to the shipping anchors on the trailer chassis . Or do as most do push the pallets round with the forks . I worked for a beer importer for years and most brewery’s then used two way pallets never had a real issue except the for the odd ■■■■ being awkward which was always sorted by a call from the brewery
A load is off-loaded until delivered and signed for. (CMR conditions)
As long the load is on the truck it is still consignor property.
This is for damage, completeness and delivered, so it is his problem.
However if you are desperate for the product, you can not claim late delivery or lost time if the product arrived in time at your premises.
Refused as unacceptable for whatever reason, will upset the consignor, but there is not much he can do about, other than not delivering or selling to you.
To avoid such a situation in the future, when ordering, instruct how you want it delivered, what pallet type, and how you want to off-load it.
Why can you not use the chains and hooks on your container ramp? Our own Schmitz and suppliers wide range of euroliners all have slots underneath on the rear crossmembers to put a hook in. If your ramp has no hooks then that is your firms fault!
But even then, to not unload with out a bit of ingenuity takes the biscuit .
Could you not drop a pallet truck on the body and couple of you either turn the things round or run them to the back of the trailer and lift 'em off.
Yes but health and safety needs to be the top priority
If somebody says Health and Safety i’ll bloody scream.
Could you not drop a pallet truck on the body and couple of you either turn the things round or run them to the back of the trailer and lift 'em off.
If somebody says Health and Safety i’ll bloody scream.
Really want to drag a 1.5 ton pallet on a pallet truck?
It would not be mine favourite option, refuse to drag anything above 750kgs, for the risk and for my knees, elbows and back.