No its not swings and roundabouts in regards of your holiday and sick pay, they are not held back, they are simply added on top of what you earn if your PAYE
Maybe im thinking about it all wrong then. In order to get holiday pay and sick pay not added on top of my wages I need to be PAYE? Of which I’ll earn less every week anyway. I get less every week to ensure I get paid when I take a week off? Sorry,not seeing any difference there.
Also just because someone’s been to university does not automatically mean their opinion on something is true and correct.
I know it does not make their opinion any more correct,everyone is entitled to an opinion, but I am however more likely to trust an accountants opinion regards taxation etc than someone who is not. I have no idea how clued up on the laws people on this forum are. Anyone can quote figures and calculations but until I have seen credentials I will lean towards the person I trust more.
Exactly what hassle would that be then
The extra hassle involved is all the other stuff that is neccessery. You have not mentioned all that you have had to set up regards the law for agency workers. Are you SURE you’ve covered everything? It may only take 15 minutes “because your organised” but I don’t see how it can be that easy. My wife is SE (website designer) and it does not take 15 minutes to do her tax returns. Organised or not.
I can negeoiate my own pay rates (obviously within reason) and the fact that its more than the measly £1 per hour offered by agencies
Extra £1 on top of what? Im on AT LEAST £4 p/h more than full time jobs are offering. Do you mean going to companies direct and by passing the agency altogether? Because that would actually be worth considering,if possible
But it’s not as simple as just setting up a ltd company and missing out the middle man. There are other stuff involved due to the law change,as I already mentioned. At least with the umbrella company they deal with it all in one go each week and I don’t need to bother about it. I appreciate what you are saying regards to having more in my bottom line each week but to me it does not offset the headache that comes with it.
I appreciate what you are saying but like you say,Im happy with what im paying for the service I get. I come and go with driving. I work for a few months,then take 4-5 month’s off. That’s why im agency. So I can pick up and stop when ever I choose. Having a ltd company causes problems that are not worth it for the short times I am doing it.
Don’t get me wrong,I appreciate everything your saying. I am especially looking forward to your answer regards the extra £1. If it IS going direct & missing out the agency altogether (something I had not thought about) then I will deffo consider that.