Ultimate scania

Something about the profile of that truck riminds me of Jimmy Durante…

In my opinion there is no more beautifull truck than a Scania (cabover) a Scania (conventional) is downwright ugly :exclamation:

thats a nice bit of tackle :smiley:

theres another one of those beautys its owned by a tipper firm in holland VSB checkout www.v8power.nl

I wouldnt moan! :smiley: out all week in that’d be a sinch. Id still ■■■■ up the wheel tho! :laughing:

you can take the man outta cannock( i’ll let mal finish this saying) :laughing: :laughing:


I see one like this most nights on the E6 heading north from Malmö as I go down to Limhamn and every time I have had him in my viewfinder the camera has faield to take it :cry: ( dont you just hate it when that happens ) I will keep trying though…it’s running for DHL bye the way Yela un red hugh cab on it.

Colin in Sweden:
I see one like this most nights on the E6 heading north from Malmö

Wouldn’t be this one by any chance?

Maybe its me but when ever I see one of those it always reminds me of a DUCK :confused:


scania longtop xxl ■■? i like would like to drive someday one of these :wink:

Where was that pic taken dave as
it looks like a truck show.

Great pics :smiley:

Where was that pic taken dave as
it looks like a truck show.

Great pics :smiley:

It looks as though it was at the Truckstar Power Festival in Assen,Holland.


Where was that pic taken dave as
it looks like a truck show.

Great pics :smiley:

It looks as though it was at the Truckstar Power Festival in Assen,Holland.

it was :wink:

Saw on a website last week that the white Scania at top of page is now for sale. No price on web page though.