Well. I must say that if we don’t try we’ll never know. You didn’t know the fire could burn until you stuck your hand in!

You are correct, so we stuck our hand in, got burned, wished we hadn’t.
Look, I don’t know if we’d be better off in or out tbh. My concern is that people will be voting for a change in one thing, immigration, when they won’t see much change, if any, in the short term. Their expectations are being built up to a level whereby they are starting to think that the day after ukip get into parliament, winning a landslide victory obviously, all their troubles will vanish. All immigrants will pack up & go home, wages will rise dramatically, the WTD will be abolished, drivers hours will be simplified & relaxed, vosa, or it’s new incarnation, will be disbanded, fuel prices will drop massively, H&S will go out of the window & motorway matrix signs will make sense. Wake up, it’s not going to happen.

Winseer is onto something, the EU is only part of a bigger, more nebulous beast.

Winseer is onto something, the EU is only part of a bigger, more nebulous beast.

Feel free to enlighten us.

I’d still rather vote for this…

Than this…

I’m not saying new world order or anything like that, just the super rich, the 1%, the establishment, divide and rule…all that old stuff.

I think it’s nebulous because it isn’t organised, it’s just big fish eating little fish the whole world over, and the big fish all have a similar agenda: getting richer.

We just need to value people more than money, which I don’t think we do, when the larger scale of things is concerned.

I like it. :grimacing:

Well lets take a leaf out of that Scots cretin Salmond’s book,he wants to leave the UK so why can’t the rest of the UK part company from the EU,seems to be the “flavour” of the times and I’m certain that England and Wales will be able to survive in the Big wide world a lot better than Scotland after all we once ruled the best part of half of it at one time and English is the most widely spoken and accepted language in the World.So come on lads vote UKIP and give the ■■■■■■■■ in Westminster a right ■■■■■■■ shake-up.Cheers Bewick.

The trouble is people are voting for personalities not policies.

All you UKIP supporters. Did you see your hero’s party political broadcast tonight? Not a mention of the DCPC and Nigel was filmed against the backdrop of the interior of a pub, but he clearly wasn’t in a pub. Looked like spin to me :laughing:

Pubs used to be filled with smoke and mirrors too.

'…desperate to vote ukip & get us out of Europe … read this, etc understand the consequences:…blah-blah, etc

And maybe also consider how shabbily (not) both Norway & Switzerland are getting-on being outside the EU but remaining, of course, very geographically integrated within the European landmass - moreso than the UK’s defensible island. Also see how well they cope without being inundated to buggery and back by EU diktats & drivel :exclamation:

I’m imaging their transport industries surviving alright without the compulsory & crippling DCPC that I’m avoiding research on it in case my envy makes me cry with jealousy.

Consider their significant success and pride as independent countries (which the UK is not) supporting their enviable national pride endorsing, eg., their cultural identity & business & export & tourist & high-standard-of-living status, etc, etc

Do I want rid of undemocratic, expensive, pointless & stifling nonsense such as the DCPC from Brussels :question:

Yes please :exclamation:


PS. Salmond makes me laugh: He wants Jockanese freedom from London in preferrence to be expensively & undemocratically bullied by Brussels. I pity that poor sap & his federal wannabbees who ironically but misguidedly seek to raise their independence

You couldn’t make this stuff up :open_mouth:

Harry Monk:
I’d still rather vote for this…

Than this…

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Happy Keith:
And maybe also consider how shabbily (not) … Norway … are getting-on being outside the EU but remaining, of course, very geographically integrated within the European landmass - moreso than the UK’s defensible island. Also see how well they cope without being inundated to buggery and back by EU diktats & drivel :exclamation:

I’m imaging their transport industries surviving alright without the compulsory & crippling DCPC that I’m avoiding research on it in case my envy makes me cry with jealousy.

Norway has adopted the DCPC.


Happy Keith:
And maybe also consider how shabbily (not) … Norway … are getting-on being outside the EU but remaining, of course, very geographically integrated within the European landmass - moreso than the UK’s defensible island. Also see how well they cope without being inundated to buggery and back by EU diktats & drivel :exclamation:

I’m imaging their transport industries surviving alright without the compulsory & crippling DCPC that I’m avoiding research on it in case my envy makes me cry with jealousy.

Norway has adopted the DCPC.

Oops :blush:
Does anyone on here know what plans ukip have for the transport sector once we are out? A link would be good so I could peruse it at my leisure.

Happy Keith:

'…desperate to vote ukip & get us out of Europe … read this, etc understand the consequences:…blah-blah, etc

And maybe also consider how shabbily (not) both Norway & Switzerland are getting-on being outside the EU but remaining, of course, very geographically integrated within the European landmass - moreso than the UK’s defensible island. Also see how well they cope without being inundated to buggery and back by EU diktats & drivel :exclamation:

I’m imaging their transport industries surviving alright without the compulsory & crippling DCPC that I’m avoiding research on it in case my envy makes me cry with jealousy.

Consider their significant success and pride as independent countries (which the UK is not) supporting their enviable national pride endorsing, eg., their cultural identity & business & export & tourist & high-standard-of-living status, etc, etc

Do I want rid of undemocratic, expensive, pointless & stifling nonsense such as the DCPC from Brussels :question:

Yes please :exclamation:


PS. Salmond makes me laugh: He wants Jockanese freedom from London in preferrence to be expensively & undemocratically bullied by Brussels. I pity that poor sap & his federal wannabbees who ironically but misguidedly seek to raise their independence

You couldn’t make this stuff up :open_mouth:

A friend has worked for a Swiss company for many, many years, he has just been over here to do his DCPC as he is on international work for them, if you run outside of the country into the EU then you have to have it, but for internal work I shouldn’t think so but I cant honestly answer that I’ll see if I can find out, the hard part for him is he is having to pay for it him self as he retires 4 months after September and the company wont pay for that short time.


Has nigel stated to clutch at straws. This contest was garbage long before we got into Europe.

I didn’t think anyone in this country took the Eurovision Song Contest seriously - ever.

We had Wogan on it rather than Paxman for many years for starters. Talking of Paxman, hasn’t he just quit Newsnight because he’s been ordered to be “Anti Ukip” like Dermot Mulligan apparently has?

On the other hand, who thinks Osbourne is doing a spiffing job with the economy, donking away more money in 4 years than Labour did in 13 already?

Politicians today seem to shirk away from being “popularist”, which is daft, because that makes a lot more sensible way to get and retain votes than this constant lying to supporters, ignoring protestors, and outlawing those who don’t know what to believe all the time. :frowning:

Nige may never be Prime Minister but you’ve got to admire the bloke,he sure knows how to get up the nostrils of the three Stooges,and Cameron has finally had to accept that he’s losing '000’s of vote to Ukip.Nige says it how it is and dosen’t spout a load of bollox like the other three,I hope they get a real battering off UKIP in the up-coming elections,I know I’ll be voting UKIP this time.Cheers Bewick.

I’ve said before that ukip will make good gains in the European elections, providing they have any candidates left that is. I do think it’s funny though that nobody will believe Any politician other than Nigel though.
“He’s not the messiah, he’s a very naughty boy!”
“You can think for yourselves, you’re all individuals” “Yes! We are all individuals”