UK Vehicle Walkaround

Found a great little app for small companies. It’s called UK Vehicle Walkaround. I found it on Apples App Store and seems pretty good. I’ve had a look on Android but can’t find it on there which is a shame. Here’s the link, tell me what you think?

You didn’t find it Alex you wrote it.

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Busted :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Have you actually looked or just assumed. Your loss, I think it’s a great app.

Also, if you think it’s spam, just go onto Apples App Store and search for UK Vehicle Walkaround… Or do you think the richest company in the world promote spam?

I think you will find the poster was referring to advertising on a forum which you have to pay to advertise, talk about missing the point.

Not to mention there a host of companies that already do digital wall around check systems, not exactly a new thing and most big companies still don’t use such a system yet. It hasn’t really been adopted much or quickly by companies other than maybe some smaller companies.

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Also given not every one uses crapple products not making it for android is a very big own goal, as company tablets and phones are generally android based in this industry.

Even Microlise one of the biggest companies uses android tablets etc for microlise and all there suits of apps.

So good luck but you are not going to make a fortune out of it and certainly not a penny from me that’s for sure. I’ll stick to filling out a paper check sheet my company requires thanks.