UK Journalist seeking 'Calais-stowaways stories'!

Hi I’m a journalist from production company, Blakeway Productions and I’m investigating the on-going issue of migrant stowaways turning up in UK lorries for a potential TV documentary.

This is simply for background research at this point but please contact me on 0207 428 5010 or email with what you’ve witnessed.

N.B. this has been OK’d by Rikki Chequer, Community Manager


Hi I’m a journalist from production company, Blakeway Productions and I’m investigating the on-going issue of migrant stowaways turning up in UK lorries for a potential TV documentary.

This is simply for background research at this point but please contact me on 0207 428 5010 or email with what you’ve witnessed.

N.B. this has been OK’d by Rikki Chequer, Community Manager


Well thats news to me. I had no idea they were trying to get over here for documentaries!


Hi I’m a journalist from production company, Blakeway Productions and I’m investigating the on-going issue of migrant stowaways turning up in UK lorries for a potential TV documentary.

This is simply for background research at this point but please contact me on 0207 428 5010 or email with what you’ve witnessed.

N.B. this has been OK’d by Rikki Chequer, Community Manager


Well thats news to me. I had no idea they were trying to get over here for documentaries!

:grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Most drivers will plan their journey so they do not have to stop near Calais.
Maybe park about four hours away.Then non stop to the Euro tunnel or ferry port.
The situation in Calais is a dangerous one.
Cabs are being robbed of the drivers items.I have heard of drivers getting their feet bones broken if they ran after illegals.
The Mayor may block the port.

Haha Semtex65 - I of course meant that ‘migrants have turned up in lorries’; I on the other hand am researching for the documentary which Dispatches will broadcast. Personal accounts or stories of other drivers (that I could get in contact with) are still welcomed.

Maybe you could highlight the disparity between these two incidents!!!.. … ce-UK.html … _1_3760056

We should assume that both parties were entirely innocent and without any such knowledge of the illegals in their vehicles yet the transporter is hit with a totally unfair and disproportionate fine!!

Disparity noted. Quite unfair, can only assume that they see the hefty fine as a way to stop human smuggling despite an obvious lack of awareness of the wider problem.

Cheers for the articles.

you can have my adventures for nothing.( unlike the uk government who decided to have £1,250 of my cash)

i,ll email when i get chance


get in your car and go and watch for yourself…Calais is bloody nasty and dangerous at the moment…Cheers

As I haven’t worked since May, I asked one of my mates only this morning was it as bad as they’re making out? He told me that in nearly 30 years he has never seen anything like what’s going on in Calais at the moment.

In the last couple of months I’ve had them on the cab behind the deflector, in a locker box with the water buckets and in under the horses bellies( lost my temper with those 2 and did a bit of damage, don’t think they’ll chance a horsebox in the future)

As I’ve said before. I haven’t seen it, and I was in Calais twice this week!
