I like Autumn, but this time of year it can be annoying down here, especially when trying to guess what clothes to wear each day, e.g. Go out to work at 6.00 am in freezing temps wrapped up for winter, 10.00am, remove enough clothes and adapt for a pleasant but cool day, by 1300 hours it’s very warm and t shirt weather!,at sundown reverse the dressing/■■■■■■■■■■ process, unless a warm front arrives from the Gulf, in which case it will be T shirt weather until the warm front gets it’s arse kicked by a bigger cold front from Canada! (incidently this can and will go on throughout winter too! )
We finally had our first frost on the last day of November, although it had been getting a bit brass monkeys at night for the last week or so, (brass monkeys down here is anything under 45 degrees) Apart from the headache of what you should/should’nt wear it also gets annoying when trying to maintain comfortable cab temp in any 24 hr period, the outside temp will still be up in the high 70’s during the day with humidity to match too, so you spend half the day with the A/C on, then within a couple of hours it’s the heater because the temp has dropped 30 odd degrees, not always because it is nightime either! even during daylight hours temps can change very dramatically (up or down) The body never knows wether it is coming or going, at least mine does’nt, I got a bloody cold at the mo.
Daytime warmth and nighttime cold is’nt always so cut and dried either, two nights ago I went to bed about 2.00 am,( yeah! Dec 1st and 66 degrees warmer than the daytime temp of 47 degrees Nov 30th) I can handle 66 degrees in a dry climate and comfortably sleep with the motor off, but not down here, it is still too uncomfortable to sleep without A/C even in the 60’s, at least for me it is, ( dontcha just hate waking up with the back of your neck and head soaking wet?) It has got to be under 60 for me to turn my motor off.
Without checking the weather foecast, I went to bed with the A/C blowing around the cab, I wake up about 3 hours later and it is bloody freezing and I mean really bloody freezing!, at first I try to snuggle down deep inside my bed, but the cold is even penetrating my duvet, so I check the outside temp, it is 29 degrees! there is a frost everywhere and I’m running my A/C!, needless to say I did a quick change on the dial and went directly from A/C to full heat ( takes about 45 seconds for the system to realise it though!) ran the heat full blast for 5 minutes then turned it down to warm at the lowest blower setting, also I crack one of my cab vents to get freash air circulating with the stale heater air (it creates a good balance of air ) a couple of hours later I get up and find a couple of our drivers who had come onto the yard while I had the A/C running, telling some of the ( rather incredulous) day drivers about me running A/C all night in the frost! Nobody could believe I ran A/C in sub-zero temps.
I have always let it be known that I can’t stand my cab to be hot when sleeping and I like it to be really cool/cold to sleep comfortably, idlling my engine to run the A/C when other drivers are sleeping with their engines off. Then oppositely I’ll sleep with my engine off while they sleep with engine idling to run their heaters.
I put it down my ‘need’ for a cool/cold cab to growing up in a house that did’nt have any Cental heating, we only had coal fire in the front room, I used to have to scrape ice from inside my bedroom window just to see if it had snowed during the night.
Because I did’nt ’ fess up to my unintenional use of A/C in sub-zero temps, the other drivers now think I am a nutcase!
Yep !! go to sleep in the truck with the heating on and wake up sweating like a pig and gasping for air.
By the way we closed on the house after every problem we had
I now own a big 3 bed house with a 24ft pool and a jaccuzi
Pat Hasler:
I now own a big 3 bed house with a 24ft pool and a jaccuzi
“I” now own■■? Think that needs a slight correction there dear!
We had rain here the other day!!!
Made a change from the snow… but of course, after melting up all the snow, the temperature immediately drops, and we now have skating rinks for roads… Ho hum…
And the locals keep telling me it’s not that cold yet… it’s only -20 at night after all Wait 'till it hits -40 or -50 they say
I need whiskey!
Looks like it could be stormy in the Hasler household too
You are the master in your house Pat,
Kate told me you could say that