I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 4 years ago, so you ask yourself the questions… why me? and will this affect my job? I must admit at times its not been easy living with the symptons and doing the job that we do.
I consider myself pretty lucky if thats the right choice of words although i am diabetic 4 years on i’m still diet controlled and still enjoy doing the job I have always loved. Just wondering how other people cope with this illness and the job we do.
“if only i had gone to specsavers”
“if only i had gone to specsavers”
I was just asking how other people cope with diabetes i dont need to go to specsavers
But if you look there is several pages already on this subject in the sticky & in the Health & family forum
You could have always posted on them instead off starting a new post
I started the thread which Animal pointed out, but if you are controlling your diabetes by diet alone, stop worrying about your licence and driving for a living. Many people have diabetes and it doesn’t affect them too much.
This one has come home to bite me on the bum. I received a phone call this morning to tell me my mate of almost 45 years had died in hospital last night. His diabetes was treated daily by injection and his eyesight had suffered as had his feet recently. He had lost his HGV entitlement about 7 years ago. I have watched him go from a very hard working bloke to a very poorly man indeed. RIP mate
Can I just say it was not my intention to hijack a thread that somebody had already started, so to Animal and Wheel Nut i would like to apologise sorry lads. Wheel Nut I am sorry for the loss of your friend never let his memory fade …Sorry.
Can I just say it was not my intention to hijack a thread that somebody had already started, so to Animal and Wheel Nut i would like to apologise sorry lads. Wheel Nut I am sorry for the loss of your friend never let his memory fade …Sorry.
“Lads” ■■? Sorry but im female or was last time I looked
Not a problem at times hijacking a thread at times as long as it remains on topic it sometimes makes more sense just to add on
What are the differences between type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes? I know type one is deadlier. But symptom wise, what are the differences between the 2 types of diabetes?
Speaking from personal and family experience. Me - type 2, diet controlled, Son - type 1 insulin controlled, Son’s Mother (my ex) - type 1 insulin controlled, Father, Brother, Grandfather & Uncle all type 2 - controlled with medication.
Simply -
Type 1 is a complete faliure to produce insulin to maintain blood glucose levels - insulin must be injected.
Type 2 is either insufficient production, slow uptake of or some resistance to body’s own insulin. Can be controlled by watching diet or varying types and levels of medication (rarely insulin itself).
Symtoms are similar although type 2 is often not noticed. Type 1 symptoms are often more dramatic - thirst was described to me as the inability to pass dirty puddles without the urge to drink. Sometimes leg cramps, various others in various degrees. Tiredness, lethargy, exhaustion and rapid weight loss can all be present in type 1.
Best place to look is probably the diabetes uk web site - they probably have a lot more than me!