Two jobs - hours help please


I work 3 days a week in an office (no driving) but am hoping to do to days a week (at least) driving and want to make sure I have it straight in my head so that I can make sure I don’t get myself into trouble. I did mention to the haulier I’m working for about my WTD spread but they have minimal experience of people with multiple jobs so I don’t want to rely on their advice.

I work in the office Mon/Thurs/Fri 06.30 to 16.30 (in general, sometimes over but I’ll use these hours on my manual records anyway)

Firstly - any benefit in adding my office hours as manual digi entries over just doing an analogue disc for each day?

Second - not sure which days are best for me to drive to ensure I’m OK. I’m starting this Sunday and working Monday too, their week starts on a Weds (apparently) so for example this week will look like

Week 1
Weds rest
Thurs office - 10 hrs
Fri rest
Sat rest
Sun - driving
Mon - driving
Tues (well earned!) rest

Week 2
Weds - hopefully driving
Thurs office - 10 hrs
Fri - office 10 hrs
Sat - hopefully driving
Sun rest
Mon office - 10 hrs
Tues rest

going forward I wondered if I could drive in week 1 say Weds & Sat (I still have Tues & Sun off) and then week 2 Sat & Sun (giving me tues/weds off) and rotating that?

I’m using to log my hours for now to watch how it develops but I don’t have a clear idea yet what should work out OK or not…

Thanks in advance for any help!


I work 3 days a week in an office (no driving) but am hoping to do to days a week (at least) driving and want to make sure I have it straight in my head so that I can make sure I don’t get myself into trouble. I did mention to the haulier I’m working for about my WTD spread but they have minimal experience of people with multiple jobs so I don’t want to rely on their advice.

I work in the office Mon/Thurs/Fri 06.30 to 16.30 (in general, sometimes over but I’ll use these hours on my manual records anyway)

Firstly - any benefit in adding my office hours as manual digi entries over just doing an analogue disc for each day?
No because it will take ages and there’s a risk of mistakes in such a big manual entry.

Second - not sure which days are best for me to drive to ensure I’m OK. I’m starting this Sunday and working Monday too, their week starts on a Weds (apparently) so for example this week will look like

Week 1
Weds rest
Thurs office - 10 hrs
Fri rest
Sat rest
Sun - driving
Mon - driving
Tues (well earned!) rest
That’s legal.

Week 2
Weds - hopefully driving
Thurs office - 10 hrs
Fri - office 10 hrs
Sat - hopefully driving
Sun rest
Mon office - 10 hrs
Tues rest
That’s legal with a reduced weekly rest period.

going forward I wondered if I could drive in week 1 say Weds & Sat (I still have Tues & Sun off) and then week 2 Sat & Sun (giving me tues/weds off) and rotating that?

I’m using to log my hours for now to watch how it develops but I don’t have a clear idea yet what should work out OK or not…

Thanks in advance for any help!

The companies pay week may start on a Wednesday but for the tachograph regulations all fixed weeks run from Midnight Sunday to midnight Sunday, you should check your rest days only by the tachograph week not the companies pay week.

Going forward you should be able to do the work pattern you’ve mentioned, I’ll have another look later when I get back.

You need not worry about WTD and RTD
The office job is WTD
Driving under EU regs is RTD
The two do not get added together

Under EU Tacho driving regs your office job hours count as other work for those regs and must be officially record with the easiest method being to use a separate analogue card for each office day worked with your name date start and finish time on each card
After 29 calendar days those cards can be binned

A fixed week is sunday midnight to sunday midnight and if you drive under EU regs in any part of a fixed week you need a weekly rest
In a fixed week where no EU regs driving was done then no records are required

If you are driving in every fixed week then you need a regular 45 rest in at least every other fixed week with the other week being at least a 24 hour reduced weekly rest

I am now going to sort what you put into fixed weeks
Week 1
Mon ?
Tue ?
Weds rest
Thurs office - 10 hrs
Fri rest + Sat rest = REGULAR WEEKLY REST FOR WEEK 1
Sun - driving

Week 2
Mon - driving
Tues (well earned!) rest = REDUCED WEEKLY REST FOR WEEK 2
Weds - hopefully driving
Thurs office - 10 hrs
Fri - office 10 hrs
Sat - hopefully driving

Week 3
Mon office - 10 hrs
Wed ?
Thu ?
Fri ?
Sat ?
Sun ?


If the 14 days you posted are a rota done all the time on a regular basis then you will have conformed to the regs

To sort those 14 days into two fixed weeks on a rota basis looks like this …

Week 1
Mon office - 10 hrs
Tues rest + Weds rest = REGULAR WEEKLY REST
Thurs office - 10 hrs
Fri rest + Sat rest = REGULAR WEEKLY REST
Sun - driving

Week 2
Mon - driving
Tues (well earned!) rest = REDUCED WEEKLY REST
Weds - hopefully driving
Thurs office - 10 hrs
Fri - office 10 hrs
Sat - hopefully driving

You only need a regular one week and a reduced the next but to make it simple you have a max of 6 days between weekly rests

To maximise your working day potential you could do tue + wed off one week then tue off the next on a regular basis

OK great, thanks. Yes I sort of thought I had to work to Sun-Sun. That basically confirms what my gut was telling me, so, as long as I have 2 days off together every other week (Sun-Sun), whether that might be Tues/Weds (which are my usual days off from the office) or the weekend I should be ok.

Usually Monday would be an office day but as its a BH for the office this week I figured I’d get some more driving in. I can’t see that I’ll need to worry about driving hours for a while just the overall working hours.

Will start with the analogue charts from the beginning of this week, and keep them with me.

Cheers guys, that’s one more thing to tick off my ‘not sure’ list! :smiley:

as long as I have 2 days off together every other week (Sun-Sun), whether that might be Tues/Weds (which are my usual days off from the office) or the weekend I should be ok.

As long as you do not work more than 6 days in a row between weekly rests then yes … OK, the regs state a max of 144 hours between weekly rests but I just put it in a way that fits in with what you do

No problem on overall working hours as I explained in my first post in this thread