TV programme in welsh about Breen/Nolan



Make hauliers responsinle for what their drivers do, then they will actually control what their drivers do. Its easy, you wouldn’t even need roadside checks then, VOSA or their equivalents could just go through an office to see who’s toeing the line and who’s not. Only problem then is that drivers wouldn’t be getting fines it would be all the chums in the Chambers of Commerce.!!!

That already exists Mike.

It’s part of the undertakings given to a Traffic Commissioner at the time an ‘O’ Licence is granted.

The relevant undertaking (promise) here is : “To monitor and control drivers’ hours.”
Everybody with an 'O’Licence has already signed up to that whether they like it or not.:grimacing:

For those about to argue, please read the undertakings you signed up for when you got your ‘O’ Licence . :wink:

I didn’t see the programme yet, but if we ask gardun nicely, perhaps he can tell us the gist of it?? (Pretty please.) :smiley:

It’s also written into the “Regulation (EC) No 561/2006


Article 10

  1. A transport undertaking shall not give drivers it employs
    or who are put at its disposal any payment, even in the form
    of a bonus or wage supplement, related to distances travelled
    and/or the amount of goods carried if that payment is of such
    a kind as to endanger road safety and/or encourages
    infringement of this Regulation.

  2. A transport undertaking shall organise the work of
    drivers referred to in paragraph 1 in such a way that the
    drivers are able to comply with Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85
    and Chapter II of this Regulation. The transport undertaking
    shall properly instruct the driver and shall make regular
    checks to ensure that Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85 and
    Chapter II of this Regulation are complied with.

  3. A transport undertaking shall be liable for infringements
    committed by drivers of the undertaking, even if the
    infringement was committed on the territory of another
    Member State or a third country.
    Without prejudice to the right of Member States to hold
    transport undertakings fully liable, Member States may make
    this liability conditional on the undertaking’s infringement of
    paragraphs 1 and 2. Member States may consider any evidence
    that the transport undertaking cannot reasonably be held
    responsible for the infringement committed.

Whats going on here then? … -offences/

The RHA and DfT think otherwise?


I didn’t see the programme yet, but if we ask gardun nicely, perhaps he can tell us the gist of it?? (Pretty please.) :smiley:

Well, there was this truck driver, right, who drove for an Irish firm, right, and he was not happy, right, because … :laughing: :laughing:

The main points have been made on here really; he was being pushed to drive over his hours (a phone call from his boss was heard making it plain that he was expected to) so he decided to blow the whistle. He was pulled by VOSA so it would appear that he has been caught . They didn’t say what the outcome of that was, but Yogi packed up driving for Breen, not sure if it was complete retirement or just from that company. I would have thought that once VOSA got their teeth into him he wouldn’t have had much choice :frowning:

That pretty much sums it up - shame they didn’t put sub-titles on it though. For the record, I don’t speak fluent Welsh, but I can get by especially during rutting :laughing: :laughing:



I didn’t see the programme yet, but if we ask gardun nicely, perhaps he can tell us the gist of it?? (Pretty please.) :smiley:

That pretty much sums it up - shame they didn’t put sub-titles on it though. For the record, I don’t speak fluent Welsh, but I can get by especially during rutting :laughing: :laughing:

Cheers for that gardun. :grimacing:
:blush: I honestly thought you were the man for Welsh language stuff. :blush:




Make hauliers responsinle for what their drivers do, then they will actually control what their drivers do. Its easy, you wouldn’t even need roadside checks then, VOSA or their equivalents could just go through an office to see who’s toeing the line and who’s not. Only problem then is that drivers wouldn’t be getting fines it would be all the chums in the Chambers of Commerce.!!!

That already exists Mike.

It’s part of the undertakings given to a Traffic Commissioner at the time an ‘O’ Licence is granted.

The relevant undertaking (promise) here is : “To monitor and control drivers’ hours.”
Everybody with an 'O’Licence has already signed up to that whether they like it or not.:grimacing:

For those about to argue, please read the undertakings you signed up for when you got your ‘O’ Licence . :wink:

I didn’t see the programme yet, but if we ask gardun nicely, perhaps he can tell us the gist of it?? (Pretty please.) :smiley:

It’s also written into the “Regulation (EC) No 561/2006


Article 10

  1. A transport undertaking shall not give drivers it employs
    or who are put at its disposal any payment, even in the form
    of a bonus or wage supplement, related to distances travelled
    and/or the amount of goods carried if that payment is of such
    a kind as to endanger road safety and/or encourages
    infringement of this Regulation.

  2. A transport undertaking shall organise the work of
    drivers referred to in paragraph 1 in such a way that the
    drivers are able to comply with Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85
    and Chapter II of this Regulation. The transport undertaking
    shall properly instruct the driver and shall make regular
    checks to ensure that Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85 and
    Chapter II of this Regulation are complied with.

  3. A transport undertaking shall be liable for infringements
    committed by drivers of the undertaking, even if the
    infringement was committed on the territory of another
    Member State or a third country.
    Without prejudice to the right of Member States to hold
    transport undertakings fully liable, Member States may make
    this liability conditional on the undertaking’s infringement of
    paragraphs 1 and 2. Member States may consider any evidence
    that the transport undertaking cannot reasonably be held
    responsible for the infringement committed.

Whats going on here then? … -offences/

The RHA and DfT think otherwise?

Not really, an employer can be held responsible for infringements by the driver unless the employer can show that they’ve taken all reasonable steps to prevent it.

In other words they cannot give incentives to a driver that would encourage the driver not to comply with the regulations, also they have to organise the work in such a way that it can be done legally by the driver.
They have to (supposed to) make regular checks to see that the driver is complying with the regulations.

It would be ridiculous to hold an employer to blame for infringements the company have no control over, but the onus is on the employer to ensure that the regulations are being complied with, and the employer can be penalised for failing to do so.
Clearly if the required checks are being carried out, the company would know of any infringements by the driver, therefore it’s the employers responsibly to take the appropriate action.

Weather or not the authorities choose to use the rules that are in place, to a sufficient level is another story.


:blush: I honestly thought you were the man for Welsh language stuff. :blush:

I think there are others on TNet who speak better Welsh than me, but I can usually get round it quite well.

Yogi is actually my girlfriends uncle, he has given up driving artics and i spoke to him a few months ago at a family gathering, i don’t totally agree with what he done cos he worked for Breen for a few years so why decide to suddenly stop running bent just before you give up driving? surely if you were that against it you’d work for a uk firm instead, i’ve worked for a few Irish firms and yes some like you to do more hours than usual but their not sat in the cab with you holding a gun to your head, basically if i didn’t want to do it i didn’t and the phone would be switched off or just not answered but most would reward you if you did some of the runs

I often see many comments about people who run bent being spineless etc for not saying no to the boss. Does anybody realize that for many of us who work for companies who run bent its a choice. I would not be doing my current job if I wanted to run legal. I find it such a boring job running around Europe legally so I choose a job where I don’t. I know I’ll probably upset people with this but hey ho, that life and it’s my choice and it was that chap’s choice when he went to Breens and he should have just left rather than shaft them on TV. Nobody goes to work for an Irish company for an easy life.

I often see many comments about people who run bent being spineless etc for not saying no to the boss. Does anybody realize that for many of us who work for companies who run bent its a choice. I would not be doing my current job if I wanted to run legal. I find it such a boring job running around Europe legally so I choose a job where I don’t. I know I’ll probably upset people with this but hey ho, that life and it’s my choice and it was that chap’s choice when he went to Breens and he should have just left rather than shaft them on TV. Nobody goes to work for an Irish company for an easy life.

are you for real?

how dumb are you ? surely you must have practiced all your life to be that stupid.

its people like you that give us all a bad name.

why run bent? so you can have an extra £100 in the bank at the end of the week? is it really worth risking your licence for? or do you not care?

i would never knowingly run bent. that is my choice and i believe it to be the right one, and hopefully 99%-100% of the people on here think the same. there is too much risk involved to run bent. it will be the end of you and your boss in the end so hopefully it wont affect me in the slightest.

i hope you get stopped and banned. you are scum for running bent!

I often see many comments about people who run bent being spineless etc for not saying no to the boss.

That’ll be aimed at the guys who complain about it, do it and stay there and continue to do it.

Does anybody realize that for many of us who work for companies who run bent its a choice. I would not be doing my current job if I wanted to run legal. I find it such a boring job running around Europe legally so I choose a job where I don’t. I know I’ll probably upset people with this but hey ho, that life and it’s my choice and it was that chap’s choice when he went to Breens and he should have just left rather than shaft them on TV.

I think lots of people realise its a choice. As long as you get paid for it then its an informed choice you can make yourself. And i agree with your take on that chap, he’d done it for long enough then for reasons known to himself decides to try and hang them, thats people for ya.

Nobody goes to work for an Irish company for an easy life.

Nobody goes to work in any haulage for an easy life !!

its a shame that people will not face facts
and that the days of running bent,are
ones that will in the end be so costly
that any profit made will just be lost due to
the punishment that is given when found
gulity of the offence(s);and yes I was not
all ways a do goodie however as one gets older
you change your working habits .


I often see many comments about people who run bent being spineless etc for not saying no to the boss. Does anybody realize that for many of us who work for companies who run bent its a choice. I would not be doing my current job if I wanted to run legal. I find it such a boring job running around Europe legally so I choose a job where I don’t. I know I’ll probably upset people with this but hey ho, that life and it’s my choice and it was that chap’s choice when he went to Breens and he should have just left rather than shaft them on TV. Nobody goes to work for an Irish company for an easy life.

are you for real?

how dumb are you ? surely you must have practiced all your life to be that stupid.

its people like you that give us all a bad name.

why run bent? so you can have an extra £100 in the bank at the end of the week? is it really worth risking your licence for? or do you not care?

i would never knowingly run bent. that is my choice and i believe it to be the right one, and hopefully 99%-100% of the people on here think the same. there is too much risk involved to run bent. it will be the end of you and your boss in the end so hopefully it wont affect me in the slightest.

i hope you get stopped and banned. you are scum for running bent!

I would have been disappointed if I didn’t get at least one angry response!

I don’t really do it for the extra money, I do it because I love driving round Europe and I love my job. The only companies (of any size) still doing long distance Euro work are bent and/or Irish as there is no money in it legally.

Try running back from Greece legally, I bet you’d find it a lot harder work than I would. 9 hours driving is a joke and screws with sleep patterns. Before you know it it’s 10 am and time to go to bed with trucks moving all around you and daylight coming through the curtains. I drive till I’m tired and have a sleep and I’m probably more awake at any one time than I would be on jam packed British roads doing depressing and boring runs to RDC’s

Oh, and I do get stopped, quite a bit. It’s just knowing how to get round it! And I would rather loose my license after doing 10 years (so far) of fantastic work all over Europe to some truly amazing places than spend my whole life being depressed doing the aforementioned rubbish work running round the UK

…Try running back from Greece legally, I bet you’d find it a lot harder work than I would. 9 hours driving is a joke and screws with sleep patterns. Before you know it it’s 10 am and time to go to bed with trucks moving all around you and daylight coming through the curtains. I drive till I’m tired and have a sleep …

Whether people think switchlogic is right or wrong, he has a very good point there!!!

I used to hate having to work to the drivers hours, getting up in the middle of the night to start then having to park up middle of the morning or early lunchtime to “go to bed” for 9 or 11 hours break!

Even worse when you`re down in Southern Europe, its the summer time, about 1000 degrees inside the truck because the boss wont get aircon and you have got to park up for “bedtime” :laughing: :laughing:

sort of on the same line of thought ,how stupid is it being parked up at the weekend, in france for instance ,.until 10pm and then setting of to do a full shift.full day sitting about and then trying to drive 9 hrs is not that safe but the law makes you park up.

sort of on the same line of thought ,how stupid is it being parked up at the weekend, in france for instance ,.until 10pm and then setting of to do a full shift.full day sitting about and then trying to drive 9 hrs is not that safe but the law makes you park up.

Exactly, both the last 2 posts get my point. I live in my truck, I don’t want to be forced to park in some pi*s soaked service area for 45 because of my hours. I choose when and where I have days off and I bet I enjoy my job a lot more than the average truck driver.

sort of on the same line of thought ,how stupid is it being parked up at the weekend, in france for instance ,.until 10pm and then setting of to do a full shift.full day sitting about and then trying to drive 9 hrs is not that safe but the law makes you park up.

Have just reread that and realized you mean the driving ban in some European countries, which is daft and unsafe too. But I pull a fridge so don’t have to worry about it.

if you are told to break the law by an employer tell vossa and the police and they will have their operator licence revoked will they not easy

if you are told to break the law by an employer tell vossa and the police and they will have their operator licence revoked will they not easy

VOSA have no power over an Irish operators licence.

how come ,we are all on the level playing field,all friends in europe together arnt we

Personally I disagree with just about everything SwitchLogic says - apart from having to park where you might not want to - but thats the nature of the job.

If he is running as bent as he claims then I can only guess that he is on an anologue tacho. I really cant see anyone avoiding punitive fines in Europe by “knowing how to get round it” on a digi tacho. Although i have been told that a very powerful magnet placed on the gearbox will put the tacho to sleep on DAFs - never tried it and never will.

VOSA have no power over an Irish operators licence.

True, but come this Spring they’ll be taking cash payments or debit card at the side of the road. And to be honest, the way that switch island checkpoint looks lateley (and a few others) i reckon they’ll be poised to make more money than Tescos next year !!