TV programme in welsh about Breen/Nolan

Yes…but the point is, that drivers are being pressurised to break the rules. You heard what the guy at Breen’s was saying on the telephone. Maybe or maybe not Yogi had broken the rules etc in the past…we probably won’t ever know. However, drivers like him break the rules because of pressure being put on them and this documentary high-lighted that. There was mention of fatalities in North Wales over recent years…one of the drivers involved had been driving for 19 hours if I remember correctly and was imprisoned for it. Did he do this because he wanted to or because he was under pressure to do so? I think the programme possibly shows that it was the latter. It was mentioned on the programme that a haulage company which has been proven to pressurize a driver to break the law get a fine…and that’s it. Maybe they should be dealt with more severely…?

Looks to me like he’s been caught out and now he wants to drop everyone in the ■■■■ you cant suddely change from a black hat to a white one half way through.I agree he should’nt be spoken to as he was but thats up to him. Did he need the job that bad that he had to take that kind of ■■■■. Obviously not or he would’nt have jacked,

I agree that Yogi’s motives are questionable, but that in no way excuses his employers for their part in what was going on, they were clearly heard trying to persuade him to run bent.

That is my whole point it’s to late to start whining once you’ve done give em an inch they take the mile everytime.

Make hauliers responsinle for what their drivers do, then they will actually control what their drivers do. Its easy, you wouldn’t even need roadside checks then, VOSA or their equivalents could just go through an office to see who’s toeing the line and who’s not. Only problem then is that drivers wouldn’t be getting fines it would be all the chums in the Chambers of Commerce.!!!
You can’t even discharge your liability for what goes out in your waste bin, how they get away with discharging a responsibility of a 44 tonne truck they send out beggars belief!!

hey mike.
your on about smoking in the cab.
its an irish truck and no biz of the english police if he smokes in it or not.theres irish cops for that/
my daughter is one in ireland and wouldnt be too happy to see the english cops doing things like that,
anyway,smoking is not a big crime even if it is bad for our health.
i smoke in the cab all the time and will continue to do so until i can pluck up the courage to go off them again.

hey mike.
your on about smoking in the cab.
its an irish truck and no biz of the english police if he smokes in it or not.theres irish cops for that/
my daughter is one in ireland and wouldnt be too happy to see the english cops doing things like that,
anyway,smoking is not a big crime even if it is bad for our health.
i smoke in the cab all the time and will continue to do so until i can pluck up the courage to go off them again.

I smoke myself and i smoke in the cab. My point was just (ok, maybe it was picky) if you’re going to point out someone breaking the law then try not to have yourself on the same video breaking the law yourself !!!

i did notice this myself.just on the side.
a friend of mine who lives in dublin drives for a large company[own account] plenty of money and new trucks every 3 years.
he was stopped by a cop one day going to cork.
the cop looked around the truck,saw everything was ok[vosa mightnt]
my friend told the cop he knows the reucks are serviced by main agent every month and theres never a prob.
the cop replied.
i will ignore the fact that you are smoking in the cab
id still love to give up smoking,but i cant…

seriously the old bill can stick their [zb]ing no smoking ban right up there [zb]ing hooter!!!

mr bluecity:
seriously the old bill can stick their [zb]ing no smoking ban right up there [zb]ing hooter!!!

roger d

Make hauliers responsinle for what their drivers do, then they will actually control what their drivers do. Its easy, you wouldn’t even need roadside checks then, VOSA or their equivalents could just go through an office to see who’s toeing the line and who’s not. Only problem then is that drivers wouldn’t be getting fines it would be all the chums in the Chambers of Commerce.!!!
You can’t even discharge your liability for what goes out in your waste bin, how they get away with discharging a responsibility of a 44 tonne truck they send out beggars belief!!

:open_mouth: Have you change your tune now ? Exactly what I was saying, just different words. :confused:

I think yogi may have a more serious problem than being caught with a ■■■ on.

I think yogi may have a more serious problem than being caught ith a ■■■ on.

maybe he had a problem pending :blush: and tried to shift the blame


Make hauliers responsinle for what their drivers do, then they will actually control what their drivers do. Its easy, you wouldn’t even need roadside checks then, VOSA or their equivalents could just go through an office to see who’s toeing the line and who’s not. Only problem then is that drivers wouldn’t be getting fines it would be all the chums in the Chambers of Commerce.!!!
You can’t even discharge your liability for what goes out in your waste bin, how they get away with discharging a responsibility of a 44 tonne truck they send out beggars belief!!

:open_mouth: Have you change your tune now ? Exactly what I was saying, just different words. :confused:

Yeah, there’s not many of us know what ‘responsinle’ means ! :blush:

But some of us can spell it.

But some of us can spell it.

Thats the self effacing gag !!

ellies dad:

I think yogi may have a more serious problem than being caught ith a ■■■ on.

maybe he had a problem pending :blush: and tried to shift the blame

you know some of them at home ellies dad.
maybe he [yogi] was sick of the abuse.
he may not have been trying to shift blame.
a driver with a uk license has to mind what he does.#they can get jailed/banned.#look on the other topics…re…beverly bell.
yogi would be in prison if he was up under her.
its easy to say yogi was under pressure.
he probably was,judging by what breen said to him.
he needs to mind his driving license.
now moreso with the digicard.
the days of drive on,you will be all right are over thankfully
although nolan had nothing to do with it,you must know the way he treats his drivers.
discretion is not very common amongst some of these hauliers.
i have had a few fingzbs matches myself with a few of them over the years.
i never went as far as exposing them.
i sometimes wonder whether i was right or wrong.
if breen had spoke to me ,the way he spoke to the welshman,i would have made problems for him.
not in his office,i wouldnt go street fighting.
he would have paid dearly for his lack of discretion.
i wouldnt let them away with a cm.
they dont pay enough to break the law.
let the poles do it.
they are making a fortune.
hopefully,they will all go home soon and the rest of their friends.
then maybe we can resume making a decent job out of it again.
we were getting it right until all these yes men came from eastern europe and started ruining any conditions we had achieved over the years.
i was actulally suprised to see a welshman driving for a wexford firm again since the eastern influx.

Make hauliers responsinle for what their drivers do, then they will actually control what their drivers do. Its easy, you wouldn’t even need roadside checks then, VOSA or their equivalents could just go through an office to see who’s toeing the line and who’s not. Only problem then is that drivers wouldn’t be getting fines it would be all the chums in the Chambers of Commerce.!!!

That already exists Mike.

It’s part of the undertakings given to a Traffic Commissioner at the time an ‘O’ Licence is granted.

The relevant undertaking (promise) here is : “To monitor and control drivers’ hours.”
Everybody with an 'O’Licence has already signed up to that whether they like it or not.:grimacing:

For those about to argue, please read the undertakings you signed up for when you got your ‘O’ Licence . :wink:

I didn’t see the programme yet, but if we ask gardun nicely, perhaps he can tell us the gist of it?? (Pretty please.) :smiley:


Make hauliers responsinle for what their drivers do, then they will actually control what their drivers do. Its easy, you wouldn’t even need roadside checks then, VOSA or their equivalents could just go through an office to see who’s toeing the line and who’s not. Only problem then is that drivers wouldn’t be getting fines it would be all the chums in the Chambers of Commerce.!!!

That already exists Mike.

It’s part of the undertakings given to a Traffic Commissioner at the time an ‘O’ Licence is granted.

The relevant undertaking (promise) here is : “To monitor and control drivers’ hours.”
Everybody with an 'O’Licence has already signed up to that whether they like it or not.:grimacing:

For those about to argue, please read the undertakings you signed up for when you got your ‘O’ Licence . :wink:

I didn’t see the programme yet, but if we ask gardun nicely, perhaps he can tell us the gist of it?? (Pretty please.) :smiley:

It’s also written into the “Regulation (EC) No 561/2006


Article 10

  1. A transport undertaking shall not give drivers it employs
    or who are put at its disposal any payment, even in the form
    of a bonus or wage supplement, related to distances travelled
    and/or the amount of goods carried if that payment is of such
    a kind as to endanger road safety and/or encourages
    infringement of this Regulation.

  2. A transport undertaking shall organise the work of
    drivers referred to in paragraph 1 in such a way that the
    drivers are able to comply with Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85
    and Chapter II of this Regulation. The transport undertaking
    shall properly instruct the driver and shall make regular
    checks to ensure that Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85 and
    Chapter II of this Regulation are complied with.

  3. A transport undertaking shall be liable for infringements
    committed by drivers of the undertaking, even if the
    infringement was committed on the territory of another
    Member State or a third country.
    Without prejudice to the right of Member States to hold
    transport undertakings fully liable, Member States may make
    this liability conditional on the undertaking’s infringement of
    paragraphs 1 and 2. Member States may consider any evidence
    that the transport undertaking cannot reasonably be held
    responsible for the infringement committed.

TV programme in welsh

That means only 38 people on the entire planet will understand it :unamused: