Trying to sleep in services

I was always under the impression that any reving above 1000rpm was wasted to build the air up as the compressor thingy only operates up to that at max.
I used to see bus and wagon drivers revving the nuts off in clouds of smoke in the 80’s and to be honest non of them got the air up any quicker, they just got choked in fumes :unamused: :laughing:

Tick over, do your checks/tacho ect and the air should be up if not you have an issue :wink:

I used to see bus and wagon drivers revving the nuts off in clouds of smoke in the 80’s and to be honest non of them got the air up any quicker, they just got choked in fumes :unamused: :laughing:

Yes, all that start a cold engine up and then rev it to the red line for a couple of minute to build the air up… :exclamation: Goodness knows what it used to do to the lifetime of the engine.

Big Truck:

I can sleep through trailer changes and such like in the services, just can’t do with the tossers who then stay there 10-15 mins with the engine running, telling each other their tales of the day having to shout over the radio that they have left on at 26 on the volume dial :unamused:
In a funny way I find sleeping near a fridge that’s on makes me sleep better sometimes, I guess it’s like when baby’s sleep around “white noise”
I wonder if the OP who’s complaining over the racket that goes on in services sleeps in lay-by’s now and again that’s at the side of the road where you get rocked every 5-10 secs and trying to sleep with the thought at the back of their mind that the next truck that comes shooting past may actually arse end them and take them both out? Now they are places I cant and wont try and have a daily rest and I find them 10 times worse than a services .

100% on the money :exclamation: :exclamation:

I pulled over for a 30 in a lay-by on A55 the other day and Fe----ck me the rocking of the cab even when a van went past never mind a 44T artic :exclamation: :exclamation: :open_mouth:

I know the trick about turning in the unit at an angle to lessen the rocking,
does it work :question:

I heard somewhere that if you drop your legs then there is less rocking, as the trailer can’t move from side to side.
Not tried it as I’ve not driven one yet.

I drop the air in my rigid, it goes even more rigid :blush: :laughing:

…and neither works in a rigid :frowning:

…and neither works in a rigid :frowning:

Oh it does uif you have the magic button and suspension :laughing:

This is why I avoid services like the plague. But should I need to park in a noisy area I open up my sleep app, plug into radio and turn the ferry noise on! Its the closest I can find to the sound of a fridge running. With that on nothing wakes me up. White noise is ideal too. Might be hard to get used to if not a fridge man but works perfectly for me

I’ve seen drivers turn the engine on and off when its been left in gear. They don’t give a monkeys.

Olog Hai:

I used to see bus and wagon drivers revving the nuts off in clouds of smoke in the 80’s and to be honest non of them got the air up any quicker, they just got choked in fumes :unamused: :laughing:

Yes, all that start a cold engine up and then rev it to the red line for a couple of minute to build the air up… :exclamation: Goodness knows what it used to do to the lifetime of the engine.

Worse thing you can do to a cold engine that’s been stood a few hour as the oil is in the sump and not had the chance to get around the engine and lubricate parts such as Pistons, camshaft, crankshaft bearings etc. just think if you are revving the knackers off a cold engine around the red line then all them parts will be doing around 7000 revs per minuite and hardly any oil around the engine to lubricate them.

Eat My BB:

I wonder if the OP who’s complaining over the racket that goes on in services sleeps in lay-by’s now and again that’s at the side of the road where you get rocked every 5-10 secs and trying to sleep with the thought at the back of their mind that the next truck that comes shooting past may actually arse end them and take them both out? Now they are places I cant and wont try and have a daily rest and I find them 10 times worse than a services .

I pulled over for a 30 in a lay-by on A55 the other day and Fe----ck me the rocking of the cab even when a van went past never mind a 44T artic :exclamation: :exclamation: :open_mouth:

I know the trick about turning in the unit at an angle to lessen the rocking,
does it work :question:

heard somewhere that if you drop your legs then there is less rocking, as the trailer can’t move from side to side.
Not tried it as I’ve not driven one yet.
Or even better you could take notice of the message that your brain is trying to tell you, the same message that those ■■■■ heads ignore that feel the need to pull their mirrors in on a narrow lay by while parked overnight, ie …IT AINT SUITABLE to park ffs!! :bulb: :bulb: :unamused:


then test the strength of the 5th wheels and king pins

To be fair if they don’t test their kingpin and 5th wheels and they arn’t connected properly then the trailer falling on its snout and a crane has to be called its going to cause a lot more noise and disruption than a 3 second tug test

I don’t think its the tug test that the op is on about it the driver not having the skill or the brain to use the air and get the unit and trailer at a similar height and slide it back nice and easy .instead they just bang underneath the trailer raise the air right up and push against the weight of the trailer and bang into the jaws at full tilt. Oh and I sleep fine on services

Eat My BB:
I heard somewhere that if you drop your legs then there is less rocking, as the trailer can’t move from side to side.

That’s fine until the idiot wakes up in the morning, fires up the engine and sets off with the legs down, bending them in the process

i would rather they left the engine running as a constant noise is easier to sleep through for me.

i must admit i ■■■■■■■ hate these ■■■■■■■■■ who on a changover think its great to stand outside having a full on conversation and competition as to who can talk the loudest.

To reduce the tickover on our Renaults (61reg Premium 460’s) you just select handthrottle on the cruise control switch and decrease the engine speed with the +/- switch.



then test the strength of the 5th wheels and king pins

To be fair if they don’t test their kingpin and 5th wheels and they arn’t connected properly then the trailer falling on its snout and a crane has to be called its going to cause a lot more noise and disruption than a 3 second tug test

I don’t think its the tug test that the op is on about it the driver not having the skill or the brain to use the air and get the unit and trailer at a similar height and slide it back nice and easy .instead they just bang underneath the trailer raise the air right up and push against the weight of the trailer and bang into the jaws at full tilt. Oh and I sleep fine on services

gentle click as jaws shut,lift suspension up,try pull forward,job done.not try and rip the pin and tyres off as those ■■■■ did

I can sleep through trailer changes and such like in the services, just can’t do with the tossers who then stay there 10-15 mins with the engine running, telling each other their tales of the day having to shout over the radio that they have left on at 26 on the volume dial :unamused:
In a funny way I find sleeping near a fridge that’s on makes me sleep better sometimes, I guess it’s like when baby’s sleep around “white noise”
I wonder if the OP who’s complaining over the racket that goes on in services sleeps in lay-by’s now and again that’s at the side of the road where you get rocked every 5-10 secs and trying to sleep with the thought at the back of their mind that the next truck that comes shooting past may actually arse end them and take them both out? Now they are places I cant and wont try and have a daily rest and I find them 10 times worse than a services .

no never park in them laybys not even for a 15 mins break guess am just getting old :unamused: no body seems to give a toss about anybody around them its all about number1 and sod the rest :laughing:

I’m not too bothered about idling engines, fridges and the like because thats the norm here and you do get used to it after a while. Reversing beepers though are another thing and I don’t know for the life of me why so many trucks that have them, have no way to turn the [zb]things off.

Thats why I like a Merc. If the lights are on the beepers are off. I dont be a ■■■■■■■ and blokey gets his kip.

Totally concur with the general loathing of service stations,as Harry monk suggests,industrial estates are the best for almost guaranteed slumber.My beef is with certain firms using msa’s as auxillary trailer parks,John Lewis for one I seem to recall,were at this up at Trowell a while ago and I vented some serious spleen at the msa manager with unknown results ,I guess it still goes on to this day.

I once roosted at Tot hill on the 34 some years ago to be treated to a trailer change at 3AM by two of Philson transports finest.Maximum noise levels in such a confined space forced me to clock the phone number on one of the trailers and then a phone call to a croaky voiced tm,congratulating him on his companies nocturnal extravaganza.He could barely find the energy for a suitable retort at that time of day.
Immensley satisfying so it was.

Totally concur with the general loathing of service stations,as Harry monk suggests,industrial estates are the best for almost guaranteed slumber.My beef is with certain firms using msa’s as auxillary trailer parks,John Lewis for one I seem to recall,were at this up at Trowell a while ago and I vented some serious spleen at the msa manager with unknown results ,I guess it still goes on to this day.

I once roosted at Tot hill on the 34 some years ago to be treated to a trailer change at 3AM by two of Philson transports finest.Maximum noise levels in such a confined space forced me to clock the phone number on one of the trailers and then a phone call to a croaky voiced tm,congratulating him on his companies nocturnal extravaganza.He could barely find the energy for a suitable retort at that time of day.
Immensley satisfying so it was.

Have you ever considered that some companies have a business account with MSA,s thereby said company pay to carry out trailer changes at MSA,s
It matters not whether you are sleeping, as some companies pay for this privilege.

If you don’t like being disturbed then don’t pay to park there, that will then leave more room for doing the change overs which are also paid for :bulb:

One of the companies you mention above def pay for this privilege :exclamation:

Have you ever considered that some companies have a business account with MSA,s thereby said company pay to carry out trailer changes at MSA,s
It matters not whether you are sleeping, as some companies pay for this privilege.

If you don’t like being disturbed then don’t pay to park there, that will then leave more room for doing the change overs which are also paid for :bulb:

There are lots of services that are set up to specifically allow trailer change overs. Some are free,some are chargeable. They are all set up for changes way up at the back though,away from sleeping drivers. In the OPs case it really depends where he was sitting. If he was in the sleeping area and they were changing over right next to him then I see his point. If he was parked next to the changeover area then he really hasnt got a leg to stand on.
Maybe he could let us know?