Trying to sleep in services


Harry Monk:
Also, I never “rev the ■■■■ off of my truck” to build the air up, the ECU selects the tickover speed, which it increases when the air needs building up or in temperatures below 3 degrees Celsius.

This is a feature I would love to disable.[emoji35]

I imagine it could possibly be disabled by a main dealer? I’ve always assumed it’s there for a reason though.

Nick2008 i think you’re ignorant how [zb] hard to workit out that driver who just done 10 hours drive may need some sleep but obviously you have to do your job and there is nothing you can do isn’t,also yoy allowed to do this so why not then,some people are thicker than my grandma big tose nail

fella I really think you need to re think what your saying \how the ■■ should I know how far or long a drivers been driving or working and at what point are you trying to make :unamused:

Just shows your ignorance fella get off your horse and chill ffs

So when I am asleep during the day are you going to be quiet please as like nick I do work nights & may have just done a 15hr shift & 10hr drive

:unamused: :unamused:

if your curtains are closed,i will be as quiet as possible.

I sleep much better with noise, I have music on very loud to sleep to :open_mouth: :smiley:

I sleep like a baby most places day or night but if it gets a tad noisy I have dozens of these nicked from the depot :wink: they work a treat :sunglasses:
But make sure your phone alarm is on loud and vibrate :blush:

yep i carry ear plugs you cant as harry said expect a 24hr service area to shut down because your sleeping

Harry Monk:


Harry Monk:
Also, I never “rev the ■■■■ off of my truck” to build the air up, the ECU selects the tickover speed, which it increases when the air needs building up or in temperatures below 3 degrees Celsius.

This is a feature I would love to disable.[emoji35]

I imagine it could possibly be disabled by a main dealer? I’ve always assumed it’s there for a reason though.

If you are on about the Renault’s, they stay at tickover if you are in D

Just keep the door shut or you get the beeping to let you know you left it in gear :unamused:

Turning off fridge trailers is not clever, would you turn off the fridge at home and ruin the food ?
Some loads could be worth millions, such as pharmaceuticals .
Turning off the fridge and having the load rejected due to low recorded temperatures.
A fridge driver has every right to park somewhere, I dont mind fridges running as it drowns out traffic noises and trucks moving around at night or day.

I am glad I don’t have to pay for trubsters maintenance, must be a fortune in clutches alone :frowning:

If you are on about the Renault’s, they stay at tickover if you are in D

They do, but then you are putting a lot of unnecessary wear on the thrust release bearing, which is normally the first part of the clutch to fail anyway.

I can sleep through trailer changes and such like in the services, just can’t do with the tossers who then stay there 10-15 mins with the engine running, telling each other their tales of the day having to shout over the radio that they have left on at 26 on the volume dial :unamused:
In a funny way I find sleeping near a fridge that’s on makes me sleep better sometimes, I guess it’s like when baby’s sleep around “white noise”
I wonder if the OP who’s complaining over the racket that goes on in services sleeps in lay-by’s now and again that’s at the side of the road where you get rocked every 5-10 secs and trying to sleep with the thought at the back of their mind that the next truck that comes shooting past may actually arse end them and take them both out? Now they are places I cant and wont try and have a daily rest and I find them 10 times worse than a services .

I am glad I don’t have to pay for trubsters maintenance, must be a fortune in clutches alone :frowning:

Why? The gear selector is in D, the clutch is engaged and does not put the vehicle into gear until you go to set off. :unamused:

it’s a service area :unamused: do you expect everything to be shut down just because your asleep …
bet you don’t think twice about it when a night driver is parked up for his night (during the day).

me :grimacing: when im parked up in the day trying to get some sleep before i start at 8pm, lucky im a heavy sleeper, once im asleep not much wakes me up, unless it 80 degrees + :cry: , all being well got an aircon pod on my new truck :stuck_out_tongue: :grimacing:


I am glad I don’t have to pay for trubsters maintenance, must be a fortune in clutches alone :frowning:

Why? The gear selector is in D, the clutch is engaged and does not put the vehicle into gear until you go to set off. :unamused:

and what about the thrust bearing :question:would you sit with a manual clutch clutch depressed and the vehicle in gear,wearing out the thrust bearing :question:

I can sleep through trailer changes and such like in the services, just can’t do with the tossers who then stay there 10-15 mins with the engine running, telling each other their tales of the day having to shout over the radio that they have left on at 26 on the volume dial :unamused:
In a funny way I find sleeping near a fridge that’s on makes me sleep better sometimes, I guess it’s like when baby’s sleep around “white noise”
I wonder if the OP who’s complaining over the racket that goes on in services sleeps in lay-by’s now and again that’s at the side of the road where you get rocked every 5-10 secs and trying to sleep with the thought at the back of their mind that the next truck that comes shooting past may actually arse end them and take them both out? Now they are places I cant and wont try and have a daily rest and I find them 10 times worse than a services .

100% on the money :exclamation: :exclamation:

I pulled over for a 30 in a lay-by on A55 the other day and Fe----ck me the rocking of the cab even when a van went past never mind a 44T artic :exclamation: :exclamation: :open_mouth:

I know the trick about turning in the unit at an angle to lessen the rocking,
does it work :question:



I am glad I don’t have to pay for trubsters maintenance, must be a fortune in clutches alone :frowning:

Why? The gear selector is in D, the clutch is engaged and does not put the vehicle into gear until you go to set off. :unamused:

and what about the thrust bearing :question:would you sit with a manual clutch clutch depressed and the vehicle in gear,wearing out the thrust bearing :question:

I’d say about 75% of clutch failures I see on the modern auto boxes are thrust bearing failures due to being left idling in gear, generally there’s still quite a bit of life left in the friction plate. I think people seem to forget they’re not driving a full auto and just leave them in gear. Either that or they don’t care.




I am glad I don’t have to pay for trubsters maintenance, must be a fortune in clutches alone :frowning:

Why? The gear selector is in D, the clutch is engaged and does not put the vehicle into gear until you go to set off. :unamused:

and what about the thrust bearing :question:would you sit with a manual clutch clutch depressed and the vehicle in gear,wearing out the thrust bearing :question:

I’d say about 75% of clutch failures I see on the modern auto boxes are thrust bearing failures due to being left idling in gear, generally there’s still quite a bit of life left in the friction plate. I think people seem to forget they’re not driving a full auto and just leave them in gear. Either that or they don’t care.

its one of the first things even learner drivers are taught, vehicle comes to a halt, handbrake on,into neutral,clutch released, trubster would fail even a car test :unamused:

If I am picking up a trailer, or doing a change over, or even just starting up in a morning, next to a motor with curtains closed, I always consciously try to do it as quiet as possible.
It’s called consideration, empathy and general good manners, qualities lacking in a lot of thick as pig ■■■■ lorry drivers unfortunately.
When I was on fridges I tried to park away from everybody else, what gets on my ■■■■ is when a fridge comes and parks next to me when there are other alternative places or spaces available away from me. If I have no alternative to park next to one that is different, so I can’t complain if it fires up and wakes me up.
Like I said it’s all about consideration and getting on with each other instead of just being a downright inconsiderate ■■■■ :bulb:

its one of the first things even learner drivers are taught, vehicle comes to a halt, handbrake on,into neutral,clutch released, trubster would fail even a car test :unamused:

I can’t speak for trubster but I was with a driver the other day and the motor came to stop at a set of traffic lights. Straight away into neutral then handbrake on. I asked why he did this and he said it was how he was taught. I of course proceeded to correct this error and taught him to engage pulling away gear so that he is ready for action, handbrake on is fine though. Ideally pulling away gear (or one close to it) would have been already selected to reduce the speed of the vehicle or be available / selected as speed was being reduced.

Perhaps I’m wrong but then I have learnt to do it this way and it works for me. If I would fail my test doing this then I wouldn’t do it on the test and drive proper afterwards, bit like crossing hands when steering or tooting my horn at sleeping drivers in services… :wink:

This all goes out the window with my auto though as the bugger occasionally throws a neutral, not helped by me of course. :blush:

Ok, maybe I didn’t explain clearly enough.

The post is about building up air at night in the services. If I had a renault that needed to build up air, the rev’s go straight up to build it up quickly. If you put it into D for less than a minute to build up the air quietly then it is a lot quieter as the rev’s drop to tickover.

I can’t see how 30-60 seconds in D while ticking over will kill the clutch, obviously in the day time its fine for the vehicle to decide to rev the ■■■■■■■■ off it, but when parked next to someone who is sleeping, I try to be as considerate as I can - This also includes shutting the fridge off for 45 minutes. If the seals are good on the trailer, it will keep its temp for 45 mins, especially at night if it is a chilled load.