I cant speak for other trainers, but I’ve had all sorts of problems trying to explain the driver cpc. Is it mod 2 and mod 4, is it grandfather rights, when has 35 hours got to be completed, do you fall into an exemption and the list goes on and on.
And, no matter how I try, there’s still misunderstanding from time to time.
I know I’m not on my own with this; the number of people we get who have completed CAT C somewhere else and never heard of driver cpc proves this. Indeed, some trainers choose not to even mention it on their website!
It’s a nasty surprise when, having paid good money for medical, theories, practical training and test, someone is now informed that it’s another - say - £300 for driver cpc. And it’s going to get worse. Come September, grandfather rights will have expired meaning that everyone who is in scope will require driver cpc in one form or another. I quote a Nottingham trainer I spoke to the other day “yeah, I know. They’ll have to sort emselves out wont they. Their problem - not mine”. Heaven help his customers - though he’s cheap BTW.
So my solution. Anyone booking a full C, CE or D course from tomorrow - 5th March will get, free of charge, driver cpc. They will either get Mod 2 training and test and Mod 4 training and test or 35 hours of periodic training. Anyone not needing it can take it or leave it. After all, it’s free.
So a clever candidate can do CAT C, Mods 2 and 4, then come back for CE, get at least 14 hours credited against periodic training leaving the other 21 hours to complete - all free of charge. The DQC (cpc card) will then be valid for 10 years. Nothing to do until 2024. To me, that sounds pretty good. This only works for folks without grandfather rights at the moment.
For the sceptical out there, the prices haven’t been increased to cover this. They remain exactly as they have been for the last year or so. Indeed, the same offer applies at our new Peterborough location together with a further discount of £350. This wont last for long.
So, for £2000 you can now get CAT C, CAT CE and a 10 year cpc.
I’m not very good with trendy language - but I think this is known as a “no brainer”!