Trying to get Agency work

I have been deskbound for 18 months and want to get back behind the wheel.
I have applied to several agencies and all want recent experience of C+E driving.
I have had a clean C+E for 30 years and have completed CPC,located North London.
Any suggestions?

I have been deskbound for 18 months and want to get back behind the wheel. I have applied to several agencies and all want recent experience of C+E driving. I have had a clean C+E for 30 years and have completed CPC,located North London. Any suggestions?

good luck! :grimacing: joking aside coke Edmonton White wagons MJD :sunglasses:

Why do they all want recent C+E experience ?

You could try Grafters Hoddesdon,Herts: 01992 478 955
H&G Hatfield,Herts: 01707 636 680
ADR Luton 01582 393 500

Avoid these thieving criminals, think about the work you would like to do dress up a bit a go and see them in person.

Knock up a C.V and hand them out to perspective employers, you may be sent to a client by these crooks that you really like working for only to discover you can’t be taken on under the 16 week rule. If you want full time work on the books the agency should be avoided.

I have been deskbound for 18 months and want to get back behind the wheel.

I’ll swap you, I fancy a desk job, I’m sure it’s better than this driving zb:mrgreen:

Avoid these thieving criminals, think about the work you would like to do dress up a bit a go and see them in person.


Why do they all want recent C+E experience ?

You could try Grafters Hoddesdon,Herts: 01992 478 955
H&G Hatfield,Herts: 01707 636 680
ADR Luton 01582 393 500

I often wondered why you “can’t have gaps” regardless of how many year’s experience you’ve got in total…
I hope the reason is not to do with "can’t take anyone on due to get a tax rebate - in case we get exposed for deducting PAYE taxes and not handing them over to HMRC in due course…" :open_mouth:

No,they are saying there insurance will not cover anyone who has not driven in the last 12 months.
2 options now are to grab any full time job or £600 for a “refresher” course.
As an employer I think I would prefer someone with 30 years commercial driving experience than someone who has driven a tractor in Molboldovia!

If its agency work your after I’d just blag it in regards to the last 18 months. After all you have 30 years experience so its not new to you. Id never recommend a new driver to do this as you’ll likely stand out like a sore thumb because of lack of experience.

You can easily say you worked for agency x, y or z in the last 18 month’s and they’ll never know your fibbing. Out of all the agencies I’ve ever registered or worked with only 2 ever checked my work history.

need experience pick a company that’s gone to the wall and guess what you worked for them on n off for ages

No,they are saying there insurance will not cover anyone who has not driven in the last 12 months.
2 options now are to grab any full time job or £600 for a “refresher” course.
As an employer I think I would prefer someone with 30 years commercial driving experience than someone who has driven a tractor in Molboldovia!

How come you could have driven solidly for six months, ending 3 months ago, and that’s “not good enough” for some of these agencies then? :question:

I have applied to several agencies and all want recent experience of C+E driving.
I have had a clean C+E for 30 years and have completed CPC

they rely are ■■■■■ bags ant they

No,they are saying there insurance will not cover anyone who has not driven in the last 12 months.
2 options now are to grab any full time job or £600 for a “refresher” course.
As an employer I think I would prefer someone with 30 years commercial driving experience than someone who has driven a tractor in Molboldovia!

I got told that one about the insurance,it didnt go down well when I said ‘Get a better ins co ,than the cheapskate conning b*****ds you got’

An employer is a different thing …but agencies, are full of s***,who will at best tell you lies’cos when they need someone ,‘the rules’ are forgotton

I would have thought that insurance companies would charge higher premiums for inexperienced drivers overall. :question:

All i can say is: Bull ■■■■ the bull ■■■■ ers.

who’s to know you haven’t driven, just say you’ve driven on analog and pick a company that has gone to the wall.

No,they are saying there insurance will not cover anyone who has not driven in the last 12 months.
2 options now are to grab any full time job or £600 for a “refresher” course.
As an employer I think I would prefer someone with 30 years commercial driving experience than someone who has driven a tractor in Molboldovia!

Agree with you but I think the reason past experience and time out of the job count for nothing with some agencies is possibly due to keeping up with technology and changes in regulations.

EG: My mate worked in cad computing for 10+ years. 5 years out of it and now his qualifications and experience count for nothing as programming has advanced.

I would just avoid agencies like a few others have said.

Most insurance require 2 years driving the same class of vehicle in the last 5 years. Good luck


No,they are saying there insurance will not cover anyone who has not driven in the last 12 months.
2 options now are to grab any full time job or £600 for a “refresher” course.
As an employer I think I would prefer someone with 30 years commercial driving experience than someone who has driven a tractor in Molboldovia!

Agree with you but I think the reason past experience and time out of the job count for nothing with some agencies is possibly due to keeping up with technology and changes in regulations.

EG: My mate worked in cad computing for 10+ years. 5 years out of it and now his qualifications and experience count for nothing as programming has advanced.

I would just avoid agencies like a few others have said.

Yes, That’s what I did before becoming a driver. I wouldn’t be able to get a job as a programmer now - the latest programming languages would be like Scandinavian for me to learn now as a catch-up. :frowning:

Thanks for all the advice.
Having spoken to about 2 dozen agencies and their “charming” staff it seems
full time is the answer.
Now where is Stobarts number…?

Thanks for all the advice.
Having spoken to about 2 dozen agencies and their “charming” staff it seems
full time is the answer.
Now where is Stobarts number…?

01925605400 :grimacing: