Truckwash heywood

has anybody been to paddys truckwash on heywood distribution park? ive been there a few times and he does a ■■■■ good job.i was in there today and he said he might be closing at the end of the year due to lack of business.he reckons he takes less than £20 some days :open_mouth: his overheads outstrip what hes earning by miles.he used to do mobile washing,but after chatting to blokes parked in the lorry park he decided to set up a fixed one thinking he could make a decent living.sadly the customers have been thin on the ground,which is a shame.hes a nice bloke and will offer you a cup of coffee while you wait.the prices are more than reasonable too…he charged me £7 to do my unit :smiley: the only downside is because hes on his own,he isnt the fastest....30 mins to do an artic :open_mouth: but like i said,he does a good job.if youre in the area pop in :slight_smile:

pity hes not in middlesbrough there bugger all like that up here {not that i know of anyway}

There’s nobody of any use at Felixstowe either !

i use paddy when round that area, does a v.good job just hate it when theres a big que,

Ok guys,can you please go up and see paddy? Quite a lot of you will need your truck washed whilst you’re in the heywood area.hes a nice friendly bloke whos spent a lot of money to offer a good service for us truckers.there arent many people who do that these days.have a coffee and a chat and support him.thanks.

pity hes not in middlesbrough there bugger all like that up here {not that i know of anyway}

Is there not a wash at the Truckstop?