MY TIME AT ■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■
IHAVE POSTED THIS BEFORE . After 13 years driving i was made redundant with others after a disastrous 8/9 week strike.after time i managed to get a job here , AT ■■■■■■■■ ENGINE FACTORY KV12.KV16S NOT TRUCK ENGINES DAVENTRY.1980.
I got along with the training very well in fact I enjoyed it as I had been used to cranes and fork lifts also just getting into the rhythm of being in a factory.
The target was how many complete engine blocks in one shift could be machined by one man then moved on to other machine stations where the men working on them with another type of drill or bore that would alter the look of the engine block.
Some men held the blocks at their work station slowing production down while some men had nothing to do, that practice would annoy the foreman it was the material handlers [me/us]s that would try to move the blocks along to keep production to capacity up after being told by the Forman to , we clashed I would say to the Forman that man is holding on to his engine block he is working on his work is finished, he did not want to start another block before his time on the shift was up, as that meant he would have to set all his machine up and by the time he had done that he would not have time to start working on another block so it would be ready for the other shift It went on and on pure silliness.
The rivalry even crept into our small band of handlers the fork lift would be left with flat batteries and not changed over for the next shift you would then be playing catch up all shift. and we were always last to be finished when it was time to go home all because of the men on the shop floor not playing the game.
After every shift you had to change your overalls, they were black with machine dust and your hands were like a coal miners. most of the machinist there always got cleaned up and ready for the off at least by a quarter of a hour before home time that ■■■■■■ me off as a lot could have been done to help us out, but they never didAfter about a year there I was eventually one of the team well my own team i had got to know the job of how the whole engine block line worked there was a sequence to where the engine blocks were moved to for to be worked on also talking to the other material handlers in to make sure they put the spare fork lift batter on charge. before they left to go home.
When I started my shift work it made life easier finding the batteries are charged silly I know but it worked] finding a wheelbarrow and brush was harder they would just be abandon it was all equipment you needed.
As the shift started I tried to get one step ahead and it worked ,it would mean I was able to leave the factory on time with all the others I would work through my dinner break [no one would know, or even notice just to get out of work clean and on time as I was now sharing a car with 3 men from the same village we were all on the same shift all in different departments jobs though and it worked.
I was able to eat my dinner at any time the food I had at the time was very small and low in calories as I was on blood pressure tablets 1000, calories a day it was a women’s diet, however I was overweight we were like butterflies everywhere on the shop floor I soon got the weight down.
While I was working at the factory there was no transport driving work around local for me so I thought make the best of what you have got .
The get out was join the prison service as a prison officer [warder] I had looked into it in depth? and there was one man living in the village and I got to know him quite well he gave me insight as much as he could into the job. He was a chef so was a bit different but he did start on the wings, landings prison term.
After I had made the first moves for a application form things started to move quickly my reverences were checked from previous employers all of them from 20 years [not CW KNIGHT] I left them out. I did think though after all what went on when I was on strike. the big day arrived and I was asked to report to a Borstal near WELLINGBOROUGH
I do recall i was a bit on the nervous side, but not ■■■■■■■■ myself, just going into the unknown .and getting in my head to call everyone sir, there were about 20 men all of us stood around a massive circular table until told to sit by the prison officer with a hat on just like they wear in the army guards units the peak was covering nearly all his noise we did as we were told we were given examination papers ,he told you sit, and start when told to.
The first page was easy then it got harder, and harder and I knew i was now out of my league in the end I had not go a clue as to some of the papers so I just sat back and waited until we were told to stop the papers were collected and we were told to stay seated.
I knew I was out so I did not feel bad at all everything seems easy until you are put out of your normal level and comfort zone however after a time some of us were told to stand and leave the room I was not on my own once out of the room I was told to follow this officer, still no idea what for he told me the governor would like to see m e
I went into a room and a lady was sat down i assumed the boss she tells me that all my previous work history and background is what is required by them and I would fit in etcetera, however my English and Maths were of a twelve year old, standard, go to night school and reapply when you get up to GCSE standard.
Goodbye and that was it disappointed, but I knew before I went what my standard was like so nothing new I then knew that I would have to carry on at the factory just like all the others, in actual fact I was no different from any of unskilled men there on unskilled work however around 70%were skilled men and apprentice trained.
I felt I needed to get on and get a better job within the factory there were a few opportunities with inhouse training within the engine block line to get promoted as the work was highly skilled both departments including the engine block and the engine build department only recruited skilled apprentice trained men from outside before they would give any in house training on the engine build.
My time in the machine shop was expiring for me I wanted to move on to the engine build department as a material handler that was going to be a wait or impossible it was a better clean job
I knew that there would be a lot of competition from all the workers not classed as tradesman for internal transfer to the build department I asked one of the engine build workers I knew, if there was any company reading material showing and describing the sequence of the engine build so I could in theory be able to describe engine parts and where they went and show I was interested I went to the foreman and ask for it ,he said when a job come up I would have it a job as far as they were concerned however I had to ask the human resources department as a material handler in the engine build department at least it was a start.
I had to stay where I was for the time in the engineering shop the smell of the lubricant oil they used did not get any sweeter I did not dislike working at the factory at all, I was thinking it is better that pounding up and down the roads nice and dry however I was always getting drawn to the doors to get out of the factory I could at least see outside, men. stayed at their work station all of their shift on the same machine doing the same skilled work day in and out.
They were highly trained 5 year apprentice-ship time served men. but
now a lot of their skilled work was done by computers and they just programmed their work orders to the machine and let it get on with it.
I let the human resources department know that I would like to move departments, over to the engine build ,i was sure that if the engine block foreman knew I wanted to move he would block it
I was told that they were only recruiting experienced men with a trade from outside as it took to long to train in house men up to their standard that rarely happened however there may be a vacancy soon in the stores would i like to go for that so I said yes please. but I would still have to have a interview with the relevant head of the department and no guarantee I would get the job as departments did not like taking men from one department to another, also outside recruiting would take place for the job.
The Falklands war was taking place and there seemed to be a sort of buzz around the factory men talking in groups at break times it just seemed as if there was a together spirit about the place a nice change. small union flags would appear on walls all eService men walking ramrod straight all wanting to go and stick it in the Argentines.
All to old but willing i thought, among all the workers in the whole factory I would bet anything that I was the only person ever who had been to Argentina, but I never let on, I was waiting for anyone to say yes I was there, but no one did so I told no one i did not matter any way so had thousands of other men been to Argentina on Cargo ships.
The time kept marching on and I was waiting for my stores interview, that never happened, but a strange thing did! I was asked by the personal department human resources if I would consider moving over to the engine build department as a material handler, as there is a“ vacancy “, going to be created” there was no material handler in the build department All the heavy material was lifted by a man from the stores on a fork lift all the other material was collected from the stores by the individuals working on the engine they were building it was strange, how do you get something you want in the end, I knew a lot of people within the factory and I was not shy in saying what I would like to do so as they say strange things happens not always bad.
After a time I left the Machine shop no one blocked the move I then started within the engine build department as a material/stores handler I had to have a week in the stores to try to get to know some of the ancillary pieces, fly wheels , all bolts ,washers, all manner of things I had no idea what was included within the building of a engine the amount of numbers they went by was mind blowing for me and I do not like a challenge.
I also had to get to try to know the sequence of build when the engine block got to the build station that was called a “cell”.
The procedure of the journey of a raw casting engine block from AMERICA.
First it was [the machined engine block] put through a pressure wash, then after it was what was called “ de burred ” that was two men with wire brushes and reels of emery paper, [abrasive paper just like sandpaper ]but just for metal and castings, and they had to get everything on that engine block smooth as silk inside all the crevices and journals, they had long brushes [like baby bottle cleaners] everything they needed to get it perfect ,so it would pass a microscopist inspection, by eagle eyed inspectors that was their job.
They used a big roll over machine it does what is said, to inspect engines blocks ready for the machines shop to drill all the holes and needed for the building eventually of a engine.
Once the block has been reworked and passed A1 the de burr men then had to fit in the main bearings caps ,they hold in the crank shaft the part that actual made the engine pistons work they were bolted on to the crank-shaft with massive bolts ,and torque up with a [special torque wrench] =a very large spanner 4 foot long ,at the end [just like a socket set you would use for home mechanics ] you put adaptable heads that fitted the size of bolt you were tightening up, there was a screw device on the end of the spanner that you could set the amount of poundage, [pressure] you wanted the bolts tightened up to .[it had to be right written down in the build sheet] once that had been achieved the spanner would not move. it made a cracking noise .so you knew the pressure had been reached, and that went for all the nuts on bolts throughout all the engine build.
The main bearing caps held in the main crank shaft and they would stamp a number on the bottom of the casting, that was shining bright, a number that followed the block all through its construction the main part of the engineering masterpiece. Then it was now ready for the engine builders [mechanics] to do their work.
There was one main engine build plan to each engine the skilled builders have all relevant paper work as the block was on a stand made to take all the weight when finished, the stand was fitted to a steel flat sheet ,as thick as a kit- kat bar , and it floated just like a air bed - hover craft ,and would be moved wherever need by a air umbilical air hose, very clever.
In the build cell.
Inside these cells there were perforated sheet metal sides that would take plastic bins that held all kinds of bolts and nuts screws that they needed to build the engine and to attach all the ancillary parts that made the engine up, in fact the cells were stacked out with boxes of bolts and nearly all of the fitments to build the engine however not all like cylinder head bolts ,fly wheels ,any heavy piece or part that had to be fitted to complete the engine.
How the engines are built.
6 men ,3 shifts
The men work in the same cell for the same engine until finished you would think that they had all the ancillary material they needed they did not , they would not stop to look around their cell or the other cells next door , they would then go to the stores and loose time waiting for bolts [whatever] else they thought they needed that they already had and not bothered to look for it apparently it was a unwritten rule that the men only used what was in their cell and never went and asked the men next door if they had any spare .
The job I had been given was created to stop men wasting time
It was down to me to try to stop the men from going to the stores. my job was to be the unpopular redistribution man to stop the men from wasting time at the stores
Though it was never put to me that was what the foreman wanted to happen to boost production up it soon came apparent that was what it was about .
The foremen knew how much material was out on the shop floor not being used that the men should use, the output of the engines did not add up ,with the material issued.
This was the very first time I had seen a computer, as I was allowed in the stores i was given a free reign and I was shown how to add or subtract from the stores computer what I wanted or returned I now realise that all the computer was only a stores program but then it was a magical piece of equipment.
I will be honest the actual trying to remember all the numbers of the bolts, washers, I thought no way in this world will I be able to cope with the new challenge ,also the very bright strip lighting was given me massive headaches ,it was as if why am I doing this.
Also I was on a very low food intake diet for high blood pressure ,I was finding it very hard going
I have always said I do not like challenges, I have never been competitive I could not really care if I won or lost at darts, anything, throughout my life and that job in the build shop ,was one big challenge although I never looked like one i just thought get back to driving ,who needs nuts and bolts in the factory.
However no driving jobs were available at that time so I had to get on with it and try to make it work i did make the foremen aware of the situation but there is always one. It probably took about 3 months of moving all kinds of material around, and knowing how many actual pieces of the smallest to the largest engine needed for the men needed to make up the engine , I did not know it all by any means ,however I used to be able to look at the work production sheet the men /women used and could see what was needed for the build and make sure that it was in their work station[cell] for them.
I did have a few bust up with certain men about me taking any type of material out of the cell they were working and redistributing it around as if it was theirs i used to say it was my job nothing personal , they got it in the end .
This one man came in the shape of a big chap from rugby with a reputation ,that I was not aware of ,also he was the union representative for the engine build and came from Coventry so I knew where he was coming from with all the engineering works at the car factory’s slightly militant just what I needed .
No one had any idea where I had come from only the bosses so he never knew about the strike we had come through , it used to start when I went into his cell ,usual banter and he would sort of lean on me with his shoulder and laugh, [ being a bully] after a time I waited until most of the men were at dinner and I knew where he was with is mates, so I went over and I give him some of my tongue , I shouted about unions ,strikes, etcetera and what work I was doing was as I was told to do just like he does i never had any problem after ,I had said what I wanted to him he asked me to run a sweepstake for a big race as I moved around the factory as no one else was able to without being asked what I was doing.
I had now got the used bolt numbers in my head ,i also used the fork lift to get all the fly wheels down from the high racks for the men instead of the stores men
Also learning more about the engine build over time however if you have never been trained from the very start of anything basic at the bottom you cannot fully pick the technical part up without proper training and that goes for most things.
I now had the basic sequence of the engine build in my head I had watched it enough, getting to know how to sweat the gears on the end s of the cam-shaft also [there were small high power ovens in the cells to heat the gears up hot to be sweated on the ends ] however getting the right key that went onto the end was the hard bit that I would not be able to do.
the engine timing was by the gearing inside the front plate there are so many small but important things to be done on the engine and to be sure that it was right could only be done by a trained mechanic .
I knew i had got about as far as I would be able to go within the build system in my head and I would be a material handler no problem but I still kept going to the open door it was like a magnet to me I would watch the lorries delivering, however production began to slow down.
The economic climate within the country was not that good and it seemed as if the work was slowing down, I would notice that not so many engines where being pushed for completion some shifts and have absolutely nothing to do, maybe I had done such a good job and done myself out of work.?
I could walk around all shift with a empty box and no one would ask me what are you doing.
It got as on nights there was nothing at all to do ,only find a place within the stores and doss down for a few hours, something was going on and no one was saying yet ,but it arrived one shift we were there , a notice was on the board stating that, low demand for engines was hitting the world demand for engines being a American firm they meant worldwide, they would have to cut back with staff from all departments ,and it listed how many from where and it was last in first out, so as I was technically from the stores it looked as I was f–ked, and as it turned out I was
However the good news was that they were going to pay a minimum redundancy package going in 3 year stages [1month employment or 3 years you would get the same] and up it went. I did not need to apply I was out but the cash deal was good however you would not get unemployment benefit for [I think it was 6 weeks] so off I went .and now to think about my future again.
Shift work i did not mind it at all as you got a premium payment so that made up for the inconvenience so I would look around for factory work within my area for a time. that was like trying to find rocking horse ■■■■. it was going to be back to the lorry, or dole.