Trucknetuk shop

It doesnt appear to be using any encryption or have a security certificate.


This is vedy dangerous for users who could easily lose their personal information to hackers.

It doesnt appear to be using any encryption or have a security certificate.


This is vedy dangerous for users who could easily lose their personal information to hackers.

Your link is not working. :unamused:

Thanks for pointing this out … and I agree the page should be secure.
The shop website is still getting built and is not ready for launch yet, It should not actually be live at this point.

The shop has now been finished and is open for business :slight_smile:

The problem with the credit card page has been resolved and is now secure using HTTPS: encryption.

the shop can be accessed either via the button at the top of this page

or via

see This thread for more details

Is that it■■?
Soz but I think it’s naff and cheap looking.
You must be able to do better,

This site is owned and operated by Corocharm Ltd, a company with in excess of 20 years experience in handling promotions, reader offers and online sales

Yea right, I don’t think so.

the ‘About Us’ isn’t even in the box.

Well seeing as how we dont think we will be retiring to the Bahama’s on the small commission we make on the stuff purchased, asking the people who run it to spend £1000’s to make it pretty would probably not be the best business sense :wink: :wink:

The shop is there to allow folks to buy the stuff advertised in the magazines under Readers Offers, on-line, and to offer them the chance to get it Post and Packing free and as its one of the projects organised by the TruckNet UK team we have the opportunity to offer those Reader offers to you

You dont have to use it or take advantage of the free Post and packing if you dont want too or if its aesthetics offend you. :wink: :wink: :laughing:

Well seeing as how we dont think we will be retiring to the Bahama’s on the small commission we make on the stuff purchased, asking the people who run it to spend £1000’s to make it pretty would probably not be the best business sense :wink: :wink:

The shop is there to allow folks to buy the stuff advertised in the magazines under Readers Offers, on-line, and to offer them the chance to get it Post and Packing free and as its one of the projects organised by the TruckNet UK team we have the opportunity to offer those Reader offers to you

You dont have to use it or take advantage of the free Post and packing if you dont want too or if its aesthetics offend you. :wink: :wink: :laughing:

WTF you on about. :unamused: :unamused:
You don’t have to spend much, if anything, to get a descent online shop up and running.
You say you have 20 years of selling blah blah, well it doesn’t look like it.

Anyway Rikki, if you are happy with it, then who am I to say otherwise. :sunglasses:

Rikki are you aware that the shop doesn’t seem to display correctly in Firefox 3, the images are out of sync with the rest of the page :confused:

It displays correctly in IE7 but Firefox is also a popular browser.

Also will there be any Trucknet stuff put in the shop, stickers mugs ec’t ?

Rikki are you aware that the shop doesn’t seem to display correctly in Firefox 3, the images are out of sync with the rest of the page :confused:

It displays correctly in IE7 but Firefox is also a popular browser.

Also will there be any Trucknet stuff put in the shop, stickers mugs ec’t ?

Ahhhhhhhh that explains it. I use Firefox and I just tried it in IE7 and it looks fine. It’s not ‘cheap and naff’, it’s even got pictures displaying. :wink: :wink:

Will pass on the comments about Firefox - :blush:

As far as TruckNet UK branded items goes the shop is mainly so people wanting the reader offers from the magazines can order on-line.
However saying that if enough people e-mail the owners saying they want to buy such items they may consider stocking them.

:blush: :blush: :blush: was tring to answer your comments honestly and with a bit of a smile at the end - sorry if it came over wrong ,

I will pass your comments on to the owners regarding how it looks, but as I said to be honest it is more of a ordering tool on-line than a showcase. And as the returns are quite small i doubt if they will spend a fortune giving it the bells and whistles.

Same page on IE7 and FireFox:-



i hope this helps.
Soz if I was a bit blunt. :blush: :cry:

:blush: :blush: :blush: was tring to answer your comments honestly and with a bit of a smile at the end - sorry if it came over wrong ,

I will pass your comments on to the owners regarding how it looks, but as I said to be honest it is more of a ordering tool on-line than a showcase. And as the returns are quite small i doubt if they will spend a fortune giving it the bells and whistles.

I understand now, it only looks naff in FF, in IE7 I think it’s fine.
Sorry if I went a bit OTT. :blush: :blush:

It’s a case of function over form, guys. Very masculine, I would’ve thought… :wink:

(Although admittedly it looks like you’re three parts ■■■■■■ in Firefox… :blush: )

I think the Firefox image actually is perfect for a Truckdrivers shop…

Showing in graphic detail what happens when you dont secure your load of images before taking that right hand bend at full bore :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :laughing: :laughing:

will pass the info onwards


Looks fine on my mac btw