Trucknetuk doing better than Gov

:exclamation: see here is Health and family together and not Health and safety.
We wouldn’t need Health if Safety were that good anywhy :wink:

I really am sure you’re a lovely person, but I just wish I could understand your posts!

I really am sure you’re a lovely person, but I just wish I could understand your posts!

How good are you at writing in German Scarab ? Or French, Italian, Spanish :question: :question:
Lovelyperson is writing in a language foreign to him, English.
I agree that his written English isn’t great, his posts usually take a couple of reads to ‘get’. On the other hand, we have a few members who are writing in their own native language, English, and their posts are just as difficult to understand.


I really am sure you’re a lovely person, but I just wish I could understand your posts!

How good are you at writing in German Scarab ? Or French, Italian, Spanish :question: :question:
Lovelyperson is writing in a language foreign to him, English.
I agree that his written English isn’t great, his posts usually take a couple of reads to ‘get’. On the other hand, we have a few members who are writing in their own native language, English, and their posts are just as difficult to understand.

well said Simon