
Why are you here?
What do you do?
Is your contribution valid?
Just how much of the member content do you use to good?
Why do you move topics at will?
Who, in as an individual decides where the topics go?
I want answers please.

That’s TruckNet, capital T, capital N, if you don’t mind.

Why are you here?

Because I’m a part of this community and have been for many years.

What do you do?

As the volunteer Admin tasked with overseeing these forums, I make sure the Mod team are on track, stimulate and oversee discuasions about policy within the Mod team, and generally “tidy up”. I also use the board as a member, just like any other member.

Is your contribution valid?

I’m told it is. It’s not for me to judge for myself.

Just how much of the member content do you use to good?

A great deal.

Why do you move topics at will?

I don’t move them “at will” as such, I move them according to established guidelines that all the Mod Team adhere to.

Who, in as an individual decides where the topics go?

It’s not a matter of individuals deciding anything. The forums have grown organically over many years, and we move things into their most relevant places so as to enable everyone to navigate the board and find what they are looking for as easily as possible.
If you want to see what happens when topics aren’t “tidied up” in this way, go and have a look at the forums we grew out of over at www.Truck.Net and play “find the trucking topic” for a bit in their main forum. Hours of “fun” guaranteed. :open_mouth:
It’s because we don’t want that kind of chaos here that we are a bit stricter on moving stuff to where it should be. It’s also true to say that we slightly vary the moderation guidelines in each forum…Therefore some stuff which would be removed from the Pro Drivers Forum is ok in the Bar, where things are a bit laxer. Some things which can be a bit personal or graphic are not suitable for either of those forums, but are fine in the Health and Family forum, where people know what they can expect.
Health and Family issues in particular are very emotive and sensitive subjects, so need to be in a place where respect of others feelings is the main ethos. The PDF tends to be a bit too banter-y for that kind of thing where people can be scared, upset, or angry, and need to be reasonably confident of getting a serious response.

I want answers please.

And now you have them. Feel free to ask if there’s anything you want clarifying, however. That’s what this forum is for. Feedback. If you have a look through you may find your questions have already been covered elsewhere in here.

Basically, the board is run in the way that we find works after over 8 years of experience. You can’t ever please all of the people all of the time, but if you decide that TruckNetUK isn’t the place for you (and reading the undercurrent here, I think that’s what you may really be trying to ascertain), there are now many other sites on the web which may suit. Good luck, whatever you decide.

Think thats answered that Lucy :laughing:
oh one thing

Thats waste of space is reserved :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: