Trucknet uk league!

Didn’t know wich part of the forum to put this in , so just put it here for now and let you nice mods move it lol!

For anyone that is interested here is the details of the Dreamteam league details ! The more the merrier !!

League pin - 159309
League password - trucknet

All for a bit of fun , and if your team is good may win some money from the sun :wink: !!

P.S my name on it is Nathan hide … Enjoy

Nathan Bide *

Never played it before seen it on other forums but will give it a whizz in the morning…

I’ll do mine in the week.

No probs can’t wait to see some of the names lol I’m waiting for someone to come up with a stobart 1

No probs can’t wait to see some of the names lol I’m waiting for someone to come up with a stobart 1

My brother would but lucky he isn’t playing :laughing:

Anyone else putting a team in ? I though there would be quite a few footy fans amongst us lol

Do mine on my 45 :slight_smile: Totally forgot

Haha looks like will only be a couple in it , maybe if I called it stobart super leauge It may have got more attention lol

Made my team but can’t seem to Be able to join the forum league via my iPad

Can anyone send me a request ?

Pm me your email and I’ll send invite mate, although I think there is a bug on the app it keeps logging people into random accounts lol

Send you one mate
