trucknet stickers.

AS the title says, are there such a thing and if not why not. I don`t mean huge bumper type things, was thinking more of a discreet round one, the size of a tax disc to put on the inside of the windscreen.

I dont know if I’m keen, I’m not a great driver that everyone else thinks they are on here, so when I stuff up I don’t want everyone knowing :wink:

jessicas dad:
I dont know if I’m keen, I’m not a great driver that everyone else thinks they are on here, so when I stuff up I don’t want everyone knowing :wink:

yeah but we do :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

There was a previous post about stickers and you could order them on line, I got a few and have stuck one on the motor I drive, so Alex when I screw up, usually at least once a day, those in the “know”, know who it is! :blush:

Disappointed to see that the high and mighty Reed Corporation, Commercial Motor and T&D et al haven’t bothered to progress this? :neutral_face:

For our loyalty of Trucknet, we should all be entitled to one, F.O.C.

Disappointed to see that the high and mighty Reed Corporation, Commercial Motor and T&D et al haven’t bothered to progress this?

We havent been part of Reed for well over a year - keep up young man :wink: :wink: :grimacing: :grimacing:

We have gone from being part of a massive publishing company ( probably one of the biggest in the world) to being a small niche publisher - the days of big budgets are sadly gone. I am not saying these will never happen, however as a smaller, still very new company our budgets have to be spent in areas were we can show a return.

Contrary to popular opinion we dont have an endless supply of money and If I want to spend money I have to quantify the return… This year we have chosen to use what we have towards the Cannock do, TruckFest and a couple other things we are still in the planning stage of.