Trucknet server

Anyone know when it is getting repaired

Anyone know when it is getting repaired

I didnt know the server was broken :wink:

The internet connection repairs should be completed before the weekend, in the meantime the dual temporary connections seem to be holding up pretty well

As Rikki stated in the past, RBI is working on rebuilding the entire UK site onto their own servers and network. But as with the US website many do not realize how much of a task that is outside of just the forums.

For your information UK and US sites are on different servers but the same network with battery and generator backup and fibre connection. My fibre connection (as you hosting company members will note) is a dual sonet ring configuration in case of a break in the ring the problem can be routed around.

The only weakness in this setup is the connection from our location to the sonet ring networks. Well, some idiot not paying attention to his duties damaged my fibre connection between our location and the sonet ring network.

To top that off I find that both groups that manage the fibre have had mass layoffs due to the economy and are quite short handed of fibre techs to make the repairs but are the only ones allowed to touch it.

So, I have had an emergency temporary connection put in place which I have maxed out, and so put in a second one.

Instead of Rikki doing the jumping up and down and screaming to get the problem resolved it has been I that has done that to push it along as well as contacting several politicians in the area to place added pressure and understanding of the importance that this issue be resolved.

I have dual homed the US and UK websites on both networks to try and relieve the bottle necks and slow loading times of those sites as they have taken priority over the 40+ machines I have hosted here.

The UK and the US sites are never throttled except for the max capacity of my current temporary connections. If the site becomes extremely slow again then that will be a good sign as that the final repair will be completed in about 24 hours of that happening as that means my fibre is finally being repaired and the network being prepared to be rerouted over it again.

In the meantime, I do apologize for the agony it has caused many of you and please understand that I am doing all that I can to ensure the problem is not only resolved quickly but also a long term fix.

It is easy to say that it would be easier to move the site but considering the size of the site and lack of bandwidth - it would not be that easy at this time that is why Rikki has made the decision to ride out the storm until it is fixed and then let RBI finish the move to their servers.

I hope this helps explain that Rikki nor I have neglected our duties to the site, servers, etc. But have rather made the best decisions we could under the circumstances for the long term benefit of the site.

Brian Christman
Systems Administrator, Truck.Net

PS: I have been told the repairs will be completed no later than Friday. And if you think we’ve been waiting there is another company that has been waiting 90 days for their fibre connnection to be completed. So, needless to say we are being [zb] and I am working to resolve communication problems between our fibre companies and providers to improve response time and problem resolution than have been experienced in the past.

Sorry Rikki thats what I meant !!!