Trucknet Awards 2013

Has there ever been one on here? I have seen one on another unrelated forum. It sort of went like this -

Most prolific poster : then nomination(s)

Most random poster:

Most amusing poster:

Most argumentative poster:

Most knowledgeable poster:

Most carhating poster: :wink:

Most truckhating poster: :wink:

And so on and so onā€¦

Should we have one? Must be lighthearted of courseā€¦ :grimacing: :wink:

Good idea Goldilox, I can see this one running a while tbh. Not sure about other categories but I reckon most random poster can only go to one person!

Take a bow Toby the Turk! :smiley:

We did run a set of awards for a number of years but more industry focused. and not on personalities
Choosing between individuals on here is not something we would get involved in- the many varied views each bring something to T/Net, some we agree with some we donā€™t

If the members want to do something light hearted, and in fun then go ahead- if it turns serious then it will go

Carryfast for most arguementive. He could start a row in a broken phonebox

Carryfast for most arguementive. He could start a row in a broken phonebox

:laughing: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Most prolific poster :

Tipper Tom/Bale Bandit wasnā€™t afraid of the submit button when he first started. He has slowed down a bit recently though.

He needs a new name now heā€™s on the fridges.

Fridge Fred? :laughing:

Chilled Chris? :laughing:

Him above, ^^^^^^^^^^ he is the cause of so much spilt ale onto my keyboard Contraflow, for dry sarcastic repertoire.
Dont stop :laughing: :laughing:

Bee Chris for best backfired post of the year.
Also a new category of Captain of Industry should be awarded this year, any ideas who should get that?

Bee Chris for best backfired post of the year.


Driving without due care and attention? Brilliant. :laughing:

Also a new category of Captain of Industry should be awarded this year, any ideas who should get that?

The less said about our Captain of Industry and Professor of Physics the better. :unamused:

Can we have one for most turned driver?

I can think of a regular poster on here who one minute detested the company, was on the verge of leavingā€¦then gets made a ā€œlead driverā€ and now comes on here telling us all how ā€œcoolā€ his boss isā€¦blah blah etc.



Most prolific poster :

Tipper Tom/Bale Bandit wasnā€™t afraid of the submit button when he first started. He has slowed down a bit recently though.

He needs a new name now heā€™s on the fridges.

Fridge Fred? :laughing:

Iā€™ve started to develop a phobia of the submit button. Coupled wth actually having to work for a living on fridges. Iā€™m not used to maxing my hours at all.

Loving the fridges for the money, the lorry, the nights out, the money

Not liking the same run again and again and the lack of a decent craic.

Thinking of going on bulk tippers so Iā€™ll keep as Tipper Tom.

Bale Bandit was a brief folly into using my CB handle as a forum handleā€¦ Mistake

Most knowledgeable I would say is diesel Dave and tachograph they have been invaluable for information