Trucknet admin Stasi at it again ffs

Re: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=69227

until proof is provided to our lawyers satisfaction they will stay gone.

What are the contact details for your lawyers then, as I wish to write to them?

Why are you even getting on your high horse about this anyway when PROOF has been provided that it is NOT a comparison site?

It seems to me that the company that is actually running the so called price comparison website is in fact or Rikki Chequer because despite PROOF having been provided on TWO separate occasions, it has been instantly removed from view with threats of a ban if anyone dares to bring it up again.

How the ■■■■ is that right?

Why is it even an issue to this site that someone points out it is not a price comparison site anyway? As far as I can see no law has been broken.

■■■■■■■ unbelievable how this is being handled. :imp:

Rob… people posting on an internet forum is not proof.

peple post all sorts of stuff on forums some true and some not so true

Some may even have a hidden agenda to post allegations against another company.

Send me something I can stand up in court with and show as proof then you can post away to your hearts content.

Alternatly create a web page and make the allegations yourself, a little decent SEO will get you to the top of the Google rankings and get your message out

or take your complaint to the ASA and if they make a judgement in your favour that will do as proof.

Until then the rules stay the same as they have always been. it goes and stays gone.

Rob… people posting on an internet forum is not proof.

peple post all sorts of stuff on forums some true and some not so true

Some may even have a hidden agenda to post allegations against another company.

Send me something I can stand up in court with and show as proof then you can post away to your hearts content.

Alternatly create a web page and make the allegations yourself, a little decent SEO will get you to the top of the Google rankings and get your message out

or take your complaint to the ASA and if they make a judgement in your favour that will do as proof.

Until then the rules stay the same as they have always been. it goes and stays gone.


It is not a price comparison website because:

a) it only searches one company (it’s own) [proof in front of your eyes if you enter any random details, from an address in any location in the world]
b) it claims to have found “the best training deal for you” then links to their own site [proof below in c)]
c) with 2 mins searching for LGV training companies I have beaten both of their courses by £150 and £100 respectively.

So tell me how exactly their can sue you, me, or anyone else that claims it is not a price comparison website? There is no argument. All the proof is there in ■■■■■■■ bucket loads.

How about some ■■■■■■■ common sense is applied instead of automatically everything that people write if it hasn’t come out of roadtransport’s gob first?

(PM arrived after posting > replied).

These are the people to help you…

These are the people to help you…

I contacted the ASA and pointed out the way that comparison site worked but I would not have done so had the original post not been put on this site