Trucking Magazine - May 2007

Hi all, wasnt really sure where to post this so can the mods please move to the correct section if I am looking in the wrong place, thanks.

I am after the May 2007 Trucking mag, don’t know the issue number, but if anyone has a duplicate, or one they are willing to part with, please let me know!

Anyhelp will be much appreciated, thanks.


i don’t buy it often but that cover definitely rings a bell, will have a search through - do you need it before gaydon show?

Thanks for the reply. There is no deadline I need it buy, but as soon as I can get it would be nice. :smiley:

phone the publisher, they will sell you a copy :wink:

i did it with an old copy of T&D a few months ago

What’s it wanted for if you don’t mind me asking?


Its the one thats missing from my collection, and I want to have a look at the J.Williams DAF 105, looks well smart. :sunglasses:

I’ve got a copy if you still need one.

Let me know your details via pm or email

I’ve found my copy too. You’re welcome to it if you want it? PM or email me.