Trucking....Do you love it?...or is it just a job?

If you are financially able to retire and under the retirement age as I am, the reality of retiring and doing very little is not a great option. You can in fact do nothing and sit on the dole. I have myself tried retirement twice now and was bored rigid. You can only do things you enjoy doing for so long before you stop enjoying them. Rather like going on holiday and thinking how great it would be too live here. I don’t need the wages from driving a truck, my mindset of knowing this makes me enjoy doing it, if I had to do it for the money then I no doubt would not like it very much. I don’t like refrigeration work but it pays very well, I prefer to drive a truck but that doesn’t pay very well. I would rather be on the bottom rung of a ladder that I want to climb than on top of the one that I don’t want to be on. it’s a frame of mind you get from having the money that is different to the frame of mind when you don’t. The dream is much better than the actual reality.

Had one of those moments just before Xmas when I thought to myself, I’d do this for nothing if it wasn’t for the need to pay bills. Had those on and off over the years as well as the ‘I don’t get paid enough for doing this’ runs too.

I’m fairly certain that if I did hit a decent lottery win then I would look to buy into a small haulage firm and do the odd run. Would love to run around Scotland again, generally enjoyed my 5 or 6 dayers from Cornwall in years gone by.

Let me think now.
I win the Lotto.
Do I live the life of a ■■■■■■■, say six months in the Maldives, rest of the year posing about in my Aston Martin pretending I’m James Bond, and basically living the dream in every aspect of my life.


Drive a bloody artic down the M6.


Had one of those moments just before Xmas when I thought to myself, I’d do this for nothing if it wasn’t for the need to pay bills. Had those on and off over the years as well as the ‘I don’t get paid enough for doing this’ runs too.

I’m fairly certain that if I did hit a decent lottery win then I would look to buy into a small haulage firm and do the odd run. Would love to run around Scotland again, generally enjoyed my 5 or 6 dayers from Cornwall in years gone by.

If you do it for nothing it needs to be your own company!Or else you belittle wages of everyday workers…do you buy curtains and spot lights and polish the tank for fun ■■?


If you are financially able to retire and under the retirement age as I am, the reality of retiring and doing very little is not a great option. You can in fact do nothing and sit on the dole. I have myself tried retirement twice now and was bored rigid. You can only do things you enjoy doing for so long before you stop enjoying them. Rather like going on holiday and thinking how great it would be too live here. I don’t need the wages from driving a truck, my mindset of knowing this makes me enjoy doing it, if I had to do it for the money then I no doubt would not like it very much. I don’t like refrigeration work but it pays very well, I prefer to drive a truck but that doesn’t pay very well. I would rather be on the bottom rung of a ladder that I want to climb than on top of the one that I don’t want to be on. it’s a frame of mind you get from having the money that is different to the frame of mind when you don’t. The dream is much better than the actual reality.

Bit of advice UKt mate…take it or leave it. I don’t really care.

I may be wrong here, but I’m assuming you’re attempting some kind of charm offensive on here to regain a bit of credibility after maybe being a bit surprised at some of the reactions you got from a lot on here, especially from some of the mods.

(Or on the other hand,… who knows, you maybe don’t give a flying ■■■■ either way, and/or, you are trying another form of wind up from a different direction.)

Me? …I don’t really care as we’ve always got on, on here ok, (or as far as you can on a public forum at least ) or if the aliases thing is true…maybe we haven’t. :smiley:
Again, I also don’t really care if you have come on here under different aliases or not tbh.

More so,.and sincerely so, can I just stress to you that I personally don’t care if you are 50p behind The Duke of ■■■■ Westminster financially, but if my first option of theory, (ie.the charm offensive,) IS your goal, it maybe a good idea, (in a way to make it more successful) if you stopped reminding everybody how well off you claim to be, and that you are only doing this job for pin money as a hobby. etc etc :unamused: . :bulb:

Try and remember there are a lot of lads on here who weekly actually NEED to work 70+ hours to provide for a young family, mortgage or both,.who are really struggling on crap pay. Some of which that maybe would rather not be doing the job at all.
So you keep ramming it down their necks that the pay means nothing to you, aint going to sit very well with them,…and will certainly not help your position on here…
The word tactless springs to mind. :bulb:

Apart from all that, and again speaking personally, we all get it, you’re well off, and good luck to you, I was myself once over in a different life.
But tbh mate, seriously it’s becoming a bit embarrassing, not to mention boring.
Just saying. :bulb:
Btw…Happy new year. :wink:

Try and remember there are a lot of lads on here who weekly actually NEED to work 70+ hours to provide for a young family, mortgage or both,.who are really struggling on crap pay. Some of which that maybe would rather not be doing the job at all.
So you keep ramming it down their necks that the pay means nothing to you, aint going to sit very well with them,…and will certainly not help your position on here…
The word tactless springs to mind. :bulb:

Btw…Happy new year. :wink:

rob I have had a bankruptcy in my past and know probably more about struggling financially than I care to mention. My reason for my post is not a wind up, I am trying to say that happiness and liking a job is a state of mind rather than a monetary aspect. I am saying I am happier driving a truck and don’t care about the wages. Money doesn’t buy you happiness, one of my lads has just left our business to go live elsewhere in the world with his girlfriend. He made this decision based on he is going to struggle financially on his own but he wants to and I am happy he has this attitude of standing on his own two feet. Perhaps my reasoning came across wrong or I have put it across wrong. Anyone who works for a living and supporting their own family whatever they do will only get my admiration. I commend anyone who works, I am a grafter too and a working man, I run a business as well as drive a truck and it isn’t easy, but my choice. Happy new year to you too. For the record, yes we do indeed get on and I respect your opinions and advice, This post has obviously come across totally different to its intention.

Must be a narcissist get together ^

Love it or just a job? Hmm… like most some days are great others just absolute pap. That said the pap days are often as a result of someone else’s actions or words rather than my own. Generally happy plodding along.

I tramp and far more enjoy the job doing this than normal days, it’s definitely a lifestyle choice. For me I get to see more, do more varied runs and ultimately it costs me less as I’m not powering and heating the house too. This in turn means more nice holidays when I’m not working. Speculate to accumulate and all.

I think a lot of it depends on your mindset, there are days when I just can’t abide the miserable buggers I encounter but on others I see getting a laugh out of them a challenge.

Fortunately I’m ex military so not a lot phases me and I managed to get on the housing market before leaving. I can see how new starters in particular may struggle in certain areas making enough to make ends meet.

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Must be a narcissist get together ^

We can’t be narcissists we both think we’re better than that, and I know I’m much better than him.
(Hope that joke aint to subtle for you :wink: )
■■■■…there I go again. :sunglasses:


Must be a narcissist get together ^

We can’t be narcissists we both think we’re better than that, and I know I’m much better than him.
(Hope that joke aint to subtle for you :wink: )
[zb]…there I go again. :sunglasses:

I shop for my clothes at ‘narcissistsRme’…

What not funny enough, ok I’ll get me coat. It’s better than everyone else’s coat anyway in fact I bet half of you don’t have a coat and are just jealous of my coat etc…



Must be a narcissist get together ^

We can’t be narcissists we both think we’re better than that, and I know I’m much better than him.
(Hope that joke aint to subtle for you :wink: )
[zb]…there I go again. :sunglasses:

I shop for my clothes at ‘narcissistsRme’…

What not funny enough, ok I’ll get me coat. It’s better than everyone else’s coat anyway in fact I bet half of you don’t have a coat and are just jealous of my coat etc…

images (1).jpeg

Just a job far more enjoyable things in life ffs :unamused: