Trucking and marriage

I can understand why so many and im not saying all, but alot of the male drivers on here are divorced or cant hold down a relationship, because being a female driver, and a hgv 1 at that, evey time I pull up or tip or park somewhere there is always someone that wants to “Get to know me better” grrrr, I drive because I love driving, I enjoy the varied work I do, What I dont like are the comments about, being a female driver. and the amount of times I hear, “so you like handling big things do you love” you can imagine what comment comes next.!!!

I was always taught that a “Standing P***K has no conscience” it seems so true in this male dominated work place !!!

Lotteea, don’t take this personally but I do think you’re being a tad oversensitive. You are in an industry with a very male blue collar predominance. As such, rightly or wrongly, the banter is often coarse. Often though that’s just it, banter and ■■■■ take. You’re not the only lady driver just as Switch is far from the only gay driver, for example. Most, regardless of gender or ■■■■■■■■■, give as good as they get and that’s how the world of transport works.
I’ll offer you a slight alternative to consider too. Quite a few blokes will befriend a female for reasons other than those you imagine. They may be, in a strange anthropological way, trying to protect you from the predictable ones. Or perhaps they know they may get a better conversation from you other than the normal tosh you get night after night in these places. Personally I’m not a footballist, for example, in fact I can’t stand it and don’t wish to talk about it. Nor do I wish to know all about your V8, your spotlights, your trip to the chinese border, missing the Herald or how many birds you’ve banged etc etc So in a busy cafe I’d probably opt for the ladies table :blush:
It’s a choice that has made me some good friends over the years :smiley:

You really shouldn’t tar us all with the same brush :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: