I have used Truckfly for several years to find suitable overnight stopping places but recently, although it still shows restaurant locations the underlying map has disappeared.
Has anybody else found this problem or is the fault with my Asus tablet?
I have used Truckfly for several years to find suitable overnight stopping places but recently, although it still shows restaurant locations the underlying map has disappeared.
Has anybody else found this problem or is the fault with my Asus tablet?
Seems to be working OK on my phone, mate.
I have used Truckfly for several years to find suitable overnight stopping places but recently, although it still shows restaurant locations the underlying map has disappeared.
Has anybody else found this problem or is the fault with my Asus tablet?
Seems to be working OK on my phone, mate.
Must be this bloody tablet then. A year or two back I had several podcasts on it and used to listen to them when parked up for the night away from internet connection. Then they refused to work except when I was at home with wifi connection, so I deleted them all except The Archers, but if the router goes down I can’t listen. Streaming only. 
And before anyone says the
should be reserved for people who listen to The Archers, I was once parked up amongst many other wagons at Le Relax on the N137 south of Nantes. At 8pm all the drivers of the British trucks were still sitting in their cabs, then, on the dot of 8.15 all the doors opened and it was a rush to the bar. 
Im a long way from being an expert, but I would try erasing TruckFly, then reloading it? The software equivalent of turning it off and on again. Free, and can
t do harm.
I gave up on The Archers years ago.
The R&G boys used to run up on a Sunday when the French allowing running home, and would always park up to get the Sunday omnibus edition somewhere between Castets and Bordeaux I think.
Im a long way from being an expert, but I would try erasing TruckFly, then reloading it? The software equivalent of turning it off and on again. Free, and can
t do harm.
I gave up on The Archers years ago.
The R&G boys used to run up on a Sunday when the French allowing running home, and would always park up to get the Sunday omnibus edition somewhere between Castets and Bordeaux I think.
I thought about that but thought also best to wait to see what others suggest. But I will try it today and will let you know for future reference.
Nowadays I listen to The Archers for 15 minutes in bed before sleep. Before I gave up on the long distance recently, and unable to receive it away from wifi, nights out meant I was sometimes up to 14 days in arrears and had to rush to mute the radio when the omnibus came on on Sundays. The downside of being here (almost) every night now means I have caught up and on Saturday had to read in bed for that 15 minutes.

Pretty sure it is the Asus that is kaput, got in touch with Truckfly and they eventually got it going again but now it is goner once more.
As far as the Archers is concerned it gave up completely about the time I was ready to give up listening to 2 people talking to themselves for 15 minutes.
Never could understand why a radio show could not continue during lockdown with all the actors interacting from their own homes. 
The Asus is therefore just an alarm clock these days.