Truckers ready for action

truckers are getting ready to block the roads again in protest to the rise of fuel.the first one is planed for the 15th of june in princes street edinburgh.
this will cause major disruption in the heart of edinburgh so if you’s are coming north that day expect delays if you’s are delivering round the city center and surrounding areas.the authorities reckon that the roads will come to a grid lock with in a week if the fuel rising cost ain’t sorted out.lets hope it gets sorted out.i wonder if the truckers will get the support from the general public :exclamation: :wink:

I would hope they do get support. The rising cost of fuel leaves trucking companies no choice but to pass its costs on to their customers,… and that only results in higher prices for all products in general. Oil companies are making a fortune by reducing production and then increasing their prices. There’s as much of an oil shortage in the world as their is an oxygen shortage.

Lets hope everyone who uses fuel as part of thier buisness, but does not get rebates on its tax, i.e. everyone but bus operators & farmers gets involved.

I find it hard to understand that some truckers are willing to take action for their employers but not take action for themseves :confused:

The cost of fuel is an employers problem, same as the cost of wages and Drivers conditions.

If drivers are to be asked to help reduce the fuel price, we should do only if all problems are addressed

For me if employers want action because the cost of fuel is killing them, I will help if and only if drivers pay and conditions are part of the package.

Power to the drivers, not to the transport companies!

I find it hard to understand that some truckers are willing to take action for their employers but not take action for themseves :confused:

The cost of fuel is an employers problem, same as the cost of wages and Drivers conditions.

If drivers are to be asked to help reduce the fuel price, we should do only if all problems are addressed

For me if employers want action because the cost of fuel is killing them, I will help if and only if drivers pay and conditions are part of the package.

Power to the drivers, not to the transport companies!

tc, i think you’ll find they will be mostly o/d that will be on the protest :wink:

tc, i think you’ll find they will be mostly o/d that will be on the protest :wink:

Maybe your right mate but owner drivers by themselves could not do enough damage! they know that we know that!

Its the Transport companies that could do all the damage just by parking up their stock! most could not do it without the help of the driver, in truth they need us just as much as we need them, So lets not sell ourselves short this time!

If the ■■■■ does hit the fan, lets play the we rub your back you rub ours game!

maybe you should listen to this guy turn up your speakers … f8slMrMkvG

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

nice suit critic… looks like its time you hung up your spurs! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

truckers are getting ready to block the roads again in protest to the rise of fuel.the first one is planed for the 15th of june in princes street edinburgh.

Well expect a load of hgv trained plod to be here as well

The airlines have the right idea, fuel costs go up and the add a “Fuel Surcharge” to all holiday and flight costs. Once hauliers do the same somebody just might sit up and take notice, but it has to be EVERY haulier, no exceptions…
Blockades just annoy Joe Public and stop hard working drivers working through lack of fuel. (I know, I’ve been there!!)

Oh yes, and foreign trucks coming into the UK should pay duty on the fuel they have in the tanks when they land in the UK, just like we have to on ■■■■ and drink etc… OK, let them have 2L duty free :unamused:

truckers are getting ready to block the roads again in protest to the rise of fuel.the first one is planed for the 15th of june in princes street edinburgh.
this will cause major disruption in the heart of edinburgh so if you’s are coming north that day expect delays if you’s are delivering round the city center and surrounding areas.the authorities reckon that the roads will come to a grid lock with in a week if the fuel rising cost ain’t sorted out.lets hope it gets sorted out.i wonder if the truckers will get the support from the general public :exclamation: :wink:

never mind the general public kitkat… i,m wondering if truckers will lend there support…been here b4 springs to mind… :wink: