truckers on tv

Andy Rich:
I think the Owens boys have to buy their own accessories Reef

[zb] THAT !!! There is absolutly no way on earth i’d spend my hard earned to put spotlights and chrome on someone elses vehicle

could just imagine it couldnt you get back home after a week away and the wife says " Hi love nice to see you blah blah oh by the way we’ve had a final demand for the gas bill we forgot to pay it last month weve got 3 days left of the 7 days to pay it before they cut us off" And your reply is " sorry love im skint but you should see my truck now its looking well bling" :unamused:

FFS if your one of these get a life before your missus gets a divorce (if she hasn’t already)

If its your own unit then fair enough do what you like to it but someone elses motor…No way not me!

Think i’ll go and ask my neighbour if he’d like me to buy him a set of alloys for his peugeot 306 :unamused:

Andy Rich:
and the garage charge them labour to fit them :open_mouth:

Now that does not surprise me at all
Where i worked before the fat miserable [zb] (rhymes with cat :wink: )had an absolute fit on one of his apprentice fitters for looking at a drivers car (apprentice was on his lunch break at the time) the car was missing a bit and poor starting think the diagnosis was his HT leads or something the guy didnt actually work on the car he just looked under the bonnet and wiggled a few leads and that was it, anyway the head fitter then turned to the driver (after telling the apprentice to get back to the workshop) "If you want to use our services for your own personal vehicle i will charge you £25 :open_mouth:
what a complete [zb] (theres that cat again)
btw he used to work for Owens till the drivers had enough of him and threatened to do him :laughing: :laughing:

jessicas dad:
what happened to jo " owens girl " she used to be on here.

shes gone over to the darkside jd truckersworld

I rang Owens a couple of months back, when they told me the rate they would pay I could not stop p,issing myself.

I rang Owens a couple of months back, when they told me the rate they would pay I could not stop p,issing myself.

well come on then what was the rate. :angry: :confused:

jessicas dad:

I rang Owens a couple of months back, when they told me the rate they would pay I could not stop p,issing myself.

well come on then what was the rate. :angry: :confused:

Give them a ring if your interested. :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue: :unamused: :question: :exclamation: :open_mouth: :sunglasses: :unamused:


jessicas dad:

I rang Owens a couple of months back, when they told me the rate they would pay I could not stop p,issing myself.

well come on then what was the rate. :angry: :confused:

Give them a ring if your interested. :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue: :unamused: :question: :exclamation: :open_mouth: :sunglasses: :unamused:

i would do but its a bit far to commute :laughing: :smiling_imp:

jessicas dad:
what happened to jo " owens girl " she used to be on here.

Was chatting to some Owens drivers at Magor last year who told me she don’t work there anymore.

Its on Sky Ch103 ITV1 WALES 11pm Thursday
Don`t know if its on all ITV regions or just the welsh


My Sky Ch103 is ITV Central West (don’t know why, I’m registered in Central East, has it gone?) so didn’t see it. Is there a way of getting Wales? (No I’m not an Iraqui looking for Ginger Harry).


Its on Sky Ch103 ITV1 WALES 11pm Thursday
Don`t know if its on all ITV regions or just the welsh


My Sky Ch103 is ITV Central West (don’t know why, I’m registered in Central East, has it gone?) so didn’t see it. Is there a way of getting Wales?

As Andy all ready posted the details for adding stations are HERE MY ITV region is Anglia, I think, but I have STV added for the odd football program.

This is the page I’ve always used for the adding extra channels instructions.


jessicas dad:
what happened to jo " owens girl " she used to be on here.

Was chatting to some Owens drivers at Magor last year who told me she don’t work there anymore.

no she’s is over on truckersworld i had a look last night and apprently she left last year i think. :question: who knows.

My first ever photos, so I hope they work.

My missus and lad came across this just down the road earlier today. Wonder if they’ll show it on the telly :laughing: :laughing:

A483 between Ammanford and Llandeilo.

Better quality if you wind the window down son!

Don’t know what happened yet, but the road was closed for a while.

Hmmmm I wonder what caused it speed maybe.

Hope the driver is ok though

Kin ell!!! I heard about it a lorry going over real radio this morning :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Tell you what though Owens are going all out on their advertising tv show, radio bullitin and now garduns posting their pic all over the interweb :open_mouth:

Serious note though i hope the driver is ok :frowning:

At least the drivers side of the cab looks ok. Lets hope he was following Health & Safety guidelines and had his seatbelt on.

I wonder if he shut his eyes and woke up looking at the sky? :open_mouth:

As far as I can find out nobody was hurt. It appears that for some reason he has run off the road to the left, over compensated and jack-knifed. There are no skid marks before or at the actual scene, so difficult to tell.

Is it possible that the trailer left the road on the left and sort of dragged the unit around and then over?

Seems like our friends at Owens Haulage are not having a good time lately as I was at Heinz Kitt Green a couple of months ago and one of their drivers pulled the pin to drop the trailer and it rolled off the 5th wheel and dropped on it,s knees and ended up with the rubbing plate on the floor and the landing legs folded under the chassis and the 3 trailer axles something like 6 feet up in the air.

It appears that in this case the driver pulled the pin before disconnecting the lines and as the trailer was on a downward slope it just rolled backwards and straight on to the floor luckily no one was hurt except possibly the drivers pride.

We all make mistakes now and again so hopefully this driver will have learned by his mistake.

To err is human !

i heard that he swerved out the way to avoid hitting a camera man .
what do i know :wink:

[As Andy all ready posted the details for adding stations
are HERE MY ITV region is Anglia, I
think, but I have STV added for the odd football program.

This is the
page I’ve always used for the adding extra channels instructions.

Thanks Neil, I think, :confused: :open_mouth: , strewth, for someone who after 7 years has
stilled failed to control the telly from the Sky remote, I don’t hold out much
hope, but I’ll give it a go. I see that the E. Midlands has lost out again
though. :imp:

Done it :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Mind you I wrote everything down just in case I couldn’t get back to where I
started and couldn’t watch anything but Wales, for ever. :unamused: