Truckers on BBC

I don’t know what work they are supposed to be doing,but I haven’t seen any evidence of collecting or tipping a load.
All the trucks we’ve seen up to yet appear to be running light.
I know that the transport angle is only a clothes horse to hang the story on,but hopefully as the story grows,we may see a little more of the actual transport side.
Apart from that,quite a chuckle.

How about next weeks episode showing martin handing out a memo instructing drivers to make sure their trailer legs are fully up otherwise its a tenner a turn off vosa. Or even better showing Malachi at a RDC with the bays either side coned off and chalk on his tyres and the police :smiley: . That would make it believable

Why is that gorgeous f10 never pulling a trailer



Amazing, did they think people wouldn’t notice a Volvo turning into a Seddon?!!!

Id imagine unless you are a driver or in to trucks a lorry is a lorry and when i mentioned it to my girlfriend she looked at me like i was mad and said im sad.

I was told by my wife that ‘only you would notice something like that, ya sad [zb]’:smiley:

My other half wants to know why we all noticed the difference between an F10 and the Sed Atki burning
but nobody passes remark regarding access all areas comment whilst placing her legs behind her ears
Thanks chaps She now thinks I am not the only sad muppet on the planet :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

truckers 2nd episode not too bad, could get better

Above the doors on the F10 it said ‘High Line’■■

In my opinion it is a load of [zb].

30 years in the transport industry and i`m recognising so much of what has been portrayed so far :laughing: :laughing: ,
even my mrs was chuckling and laughing, and saying how true many bits of the plot were. 9/10 up to now.
They just need to go euro on the party boat and its 10 out of 10 :open_mouth: :blush: :sunglasses:

I wonder if some of my old cronies were on the research / info` team … :laughing: :laughing: granny ? tufty ? shep ? uncle F ? :grimacing:
are you guilty ? :wink: :grimacing:

Is it me , or do all the Notts accents sound like thee ■■■ frum Mansfield way ■■ :laughing: :laughing:

Viva la access , open all hours :open_mouth: :grimacing:

yep like I said its got legs goo episode last night
but have to admit I didn’t spot the Volvo morph into a Sed Atki

I’ve only got plastic coat hangers do you think they will work just as well ?

Ah thart it wha whank.

As thay’d prarblay sair oop thair me duck.

Ye knair

I`m left wondering as to whether Malachi will be somewhere parked up on a night out and have his cab jacked up by his mischevious buddies ?
early morning wakeup call sir ? :sunglasses: :laughing: :laughing:

I loved the bit when he was tailgating the Corsa at 75 and in the next shot they both got passes by a Scanny!

yes loved it!!!

or the part where he climbs on the cab, one minute it has a windfoil, the next its gone

we all go off for a drive?

carl… do you work for the bbc?

ive only seen a little bit of it, I think it will educate the public that we are still humans with families just like them. and not uneducated, dirty morans they think we are. some of the facts are there like running bent, driving time and the pending DCPC, however if it was factual tho and tho there would be no ratings so there must be nail biting drama ( ■■■■ in trucks) or some comedy ( truckers) . the programme is not prefect but its better then titbarts and more eductation for the public. I think it is going the right way.

How about next weeks episode showing martin handing out a memo instructing drivers to make sure their trailer legs are fully up otherwise its a tenner a turn off vosa. Or even better showing Malachi at a RDC with the bays either side coned off and chalk on his tyres and the police :smiley: . That would make it believable

How many bloody times? - It’s £30 a wind :laughing: :laughing:

Calm down chaps it’s a tv programme. The main point will be the characters, it’s just set in a trucking company. It’s a bit like when I was in the army and soldier soldier was on, with that ■■■ robson green. For anyone in the business it’s cringeworthy, for the rest it’s just another show.

well said.


Also why did he need to take the F10 to pay his mechanic?

I’m just guessing but I think this weeks show was about ‘Martin’s’ coming of age emphasising the pressure on him to follow in his fathers footsteps. The use of the F10 not only endears him to his staff showing he can do the job but also introduces us to his need to be just like his Dad.

This illusion is soon shattered when he realises his father not only cooked the books and lead a double life with a secret girlfriend and daughter but also putting his drivers at risk by buying sub standard tyres and cutting corners.

As the episode develops we see how Martin struggles to cope with the pressure to live up to his fathers image whilst at the same time becoming aware of his fathers faults and deceptive practices.

Further pressures are applied by his girlfriends ambitions outweighing her respect for him and happily giving a ‘hand shandy’ to the photographic agent in order to further her career, regardless of any emotional connection.

Seeing a lack of respect and trust from his staff later on to add to his troubles causes Martin to snap and sack Malachi albeit temporarily and at the same point show he is not as green behind the ears as they think he is.

This triggers a chain of events that lead up to the casting off of his girlfriend and climactic burning of the Seddon Atkinson disguised just enough to fool everyone except the trucking community who can recognise the difference between the Seddi and a Volvo F10 (the different sleeper cab panel did it for me).

Its at this point we see the ‘coming of age’ that this episode is about and how Martin turns from a boy to a man ready for the trials and tribulations that will follow.

Some sub plots are also coming to light in how there could be a romantic relationship developing between Martin and his secretary ‘Michelle’ and how the female trucker ‘Wendy’ may not be the typical stereotype who drinks from the furry cup but also may like to play with the boys as well.

The show in its-self is more a caricature of the trucking industry playing to the typical stereotypes and general assumption of the mass population but also retains enough factual accuracies (as well as some inaccuracies for us to spot) to make it appeal to a large audience.

7/10- The show is getting better as we are introduced more and more to characters back stories.

Also loved the ping pong balls coming out the Vadge scene at the beginning.

Oh and don’t read this if you haven’t watched it yet…


You don’t get out much do you…

Mr Skinnylegs:
The cast were supposed to have worked hard on their Nottingham accents.
They failed miserably me duck

Some of the accents were a bit off, but Nottingham-ese is a tricky one for ‘foreigners’ to carry off. To be fair, the writer Billy Ivory is from Nottingham, so the script tried to reflect that.

Did anyone else spot that tea-van lady correctly offered Malachi the ‘cob’ (it’s not a bloody roll!!) on the house :question: :smiley: :smiley:

I thought they were called barm cakes in Notts?

I thought they were called barm cakes in Notts?

Think that starts around Sheffield way.

Forgot to add, big thumbs-up for Malachi’s ex - well tidy for a veteran :smiley: :smiley:

Wonder if John Lewis (the shop were she worked) know she walks around the house in her frillys :question: :smiley: :smiley: