Just wondering if anyone ever been on the receiving end of a Trucker leading a double life or having an affair? Or even done it themselves? (might not wanna admit it though guys!!)
I know it sounds a weird topic but I recently heard about a guy who worked abroad and turned out he had a family here in Britain and another secret family in Spain I think. Turns out neither family knew or even suspected anything about where he was or what he was up to.
I, too, have had a partner going away driving and seeing someone else who travelled the country to meet him at his hotels.
Don’t know whether to trust him now when he goes away even though hes promised he won’t do it again.
Any advice? Or maybe an insight into why people do this in the first place?
I think Rog was probably right and one of the team members has moved it during our house keeping sessions.
truckerwidow I’m so sorry to hear of your troubles, it was the other way around for me I was off up the road when my ex husband was playing with the irish lass next door. It was the final straw in a failing relationship but it worked out for the best. I have driven along side many drivers that see having other girls as a perk of the job for example there is a long term member on here that is a serial cheater but he always crawls back to his wife.
I know I sound cynical and unforgiving but I am tainted by my own experiences, I hope that people will reply by post or pm and help you understand and to forgive him if that is what you decide to do.
Thanks for your reply ladytrucker, seems it works both ways doesn’t it. I had thought it was the fact that maybe people who cheat think they’ve got more chance of being able to hide it and not get found out, just by the nature of the job and being away from home so long.
I think my partner thought that anyway, until his latest squeeze decided to force him into telling me what he’d been up to.
Truckerwidow I am so sorry for you as it must hurt a great deal to find out the one you loved could be so deceitful. I had seen it when I used to be away all the time and it was like a game of who could “pull”. It was mostly men but there were some women as well. Why? I really do not know if there is an answer but I am sure that as ladytrucker says it might be for the best. Life does go on and it is true when they say it is too short. You are the only one who can decide wether to forgive or go another route with your life, Whatever you decide remember that you are yourself and not what others want you to be.
I never strayed from my wife we were married for 26 years before I lost her and my wish now is that there is something after death so that I can meet her again.
My thoughts are with you
Its quite hard to do anything else apart from stick by my man. We have three young children so its unfair on them to do anything apart from stay together. I just find myself feeling bitter when he goes to work as I’m left at home, running the house and caring for the children, knowing that he can be doing whatever he wants with whoever he likes. He thinks I should be grateful for the wages he brings home, forget his infidelities and just “get on with it”
And remember George there are holes in the floors in heaven so our loved ones up there can keep watch over us down here. ■■■ I wish I had my best friend here to chat to about all this, but she too has passed away only recently but it feels like a lifetime since I last saw her.
Hi truckerswidow I am divorced yes my ex cheated on me I left him I found somewhere to live he went to work night ( as he worked nights at the time ) i had a young son ( 3 years old ) yes it has been hard for the last 6 years I am still on my own but happy would rather be single and happy than married / relationship and unhappy
As he cheated I am not suer if I could trust him and if there is no trust then I dont think there is a relationship this is only my view
Good luck with your decision
BTW we do get on well now we dont live together and my son is fine for it my ex did re marry
I had the samehappen to me many years ago, I found a place to live with my 3 children who were 3,5, &7 yrs old. I had 2 shillings and 6 pence in old money left in my ■■■■■ after paying a removal company and buying food. Ok at times its been a struggle but I have never looked back. Once a man thinks he has got away with his infidelities he carries on especially if you let him as he thinks you have given him the green light to carry on, surely you are worth more than playing second fiddle to some floozie, and let me tell you there are plenty of them on the road and i n truck stops Having been a driver for many many years I have seen some of these 2 timing fellas in action and they disgust me. Just ask yourself, can you or will you ever trust him again. As for the children, they adapt very quickley I know. Keep your chin up and stay strong, black bags are cheap enough, Pack his and put them by the truck door or take them to the lady he has cheated with . Let her do the dirty laundry
Ive been driving lorries for years and ■■■■■■■ everything i can when im away it all boils down to the fat ugly ■■■■ i have to come home to who does nothing but ■■■■■■■ moan moan and ■■■■■■■ moan.
read ur post for the first time gal, must say never wanted while i was married and on the road, however, working across europe it was tempting. now i just have other problems, my partner, bless her, just has to put up with me recovering from shoulder and neck injuries and people asking if her ‘dad’ is ok. there is somewhat of an age difference between us. whilst i was married i found the other half had a passion for drivers… usually someone i worked with and knew when i was away. so for your plight i am sorry to say it can be a double edged sword.
Maybe the women who go out with married truckers are to blame too. It takes two to tango.
I agree - it does take two, but just because the offer is there it does not make it obligatory to take it up.
Most of the truckers I have known over the years are decent guys and good family men and when I was driving I can honestly say I never felt under threat of ■■■■■■ harrasment from them as a woman driver.
Of course there was always the odd one who thought he was Gods Gift and considered he was doing the opposite ■■■ a huge favour by offering his services but you will get this in any job or walk of life.
Long haul trucking is not exclusive as an away from home profession. There are lots of careers which require either the man or the woman to be away from home for lengthy periods and not everyone takes it as an opportunity to play the field.
I would certainly not stand for (and did not stand for) an unfaithful partner.
Take the kids and get out is my maxim. Staying is not a good idea in my opinion for a variety of reasons.
If you are willing to be treated like a doormat then you probably will be.
The longer it goes on more your self esteem will plummett.
Playing the martyre never got any brownie points - or won anybody any respect.
Get yourself a new life. Maybe a new man - but that is not obligatory to having a good life.
The other thing to worry about with an unfaithful partner are ■■■■■■■■ transmitted deseases. There are no guarantees that an unfaithful partner wont infect you with anything from VD to Aids so be careful and give it plenty of thought.