Trucker/HATO truce

Can we please have an end to the rising ill feeling between ourselves. :exclamation:

Truckers are truckers, HATOs are HATOs, but we all work in the same space on the road. :smiley:

In both walks of life there are those who us no favours but surely we can get on in the main. :sunglasses:

Can I just say to all my fellow HATOs on here.

We are essentially guests on this forum and we should not forget this.

By all means debate issues but lets do it in an adult way without pointing fingers.

As my dad says for every finger you point, five will be pointing back. :sunglasses:

ok we will have a game of football and exchange presents shake hands and then carry on fighting!! :laughing:

‘Guests’, my arse. :slight_smile:

You are no more ‘guests’ than such is discopete, or many others that I might care to mention.

Even ‘Mondeo Man’ is welcome to contribute, but, as to whether he/she continues to contribute after reading replies to their ‘gripes’ is another matter.

We are all ‘victims’ of a ‘failed’ road network system. Remember John Prescott, in 1997, with his declaration of a ‘ten year plan for Transport’. Which he publicly abandoned after about…4 years. :unamused:

Perhaps any venom that needs to be expressed should be directed more towards the Politicians that devolved the system, as opposed to those expected to operate within its boundaries.

Which is a principle that can said of a number of matters, including, as announced today, an ending of the ban on odd shaped vegetables.

And having raised the subject of vegetables :laughing: …I will refrain from extending my tirade in the direction of RDC clerks. :wink:

ok we will have a game of football and exchange presents shake hands and then carry on fighting!! :laughing:

Sod that!! too energetic, how about sharing the bacon butty of peace. (bring your own brown sauce) :wink:

Is there an RDC forum? that should be fun :stuck_out_tongue:

ok we will have a game of rugby and then carry on fighting!! (scrum/rucks/mauls) :laughing: , then shake hands and exchange presents and have a few beers

Sorted :laughing: thats more like it .
Odd shaped balls are the preferred option,
not the soft lads games . :sunglasses:


ok we will have a game of rugby and then carry on fighting!! (scrum/rucks/mauls) :laughing: , then shake hands and exchange presents and have a few beers

Sorted :laughing: thats more like it .
Odd shaped balls are the preferred option,
not the soft lads games . :sunglasses:

As long as it’s League - not that girlie union game. :unamused: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Whats a HATO?.

Whats a HATO?.

All i know is, your avatar would make a good one :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

i think we have just about kicked the ar$e out of the HA tos vs the Truckers subject.

Lighting mcqueen:

Whats a HATO?.

All i know is, your avatar would make a good one :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

i think we have just about kicked the ar$e out of the HA tos vs the Truckers subject.

Hi Lighting mcqueen, the word “arse” is what I might use to describe a couple of people from BOTH sides who simply let themselves get a bit carried away in a recent debate. :grimacing:

It was only when it decended into personal attcks that things got a bit messy, but let’s see the positive in that it was only a minority of both sides who got out of hand and broke the forum rules.

As already noted, we all share the same road-space and everybody needs to go home in one piece, so IMHO it’s a team effort.

If one looks carefully enough, there are lessons to be learned by all concerned. :wink:


Lighting mcqueen:

Whats a HATO?.

All i know is, your avatar would make a good one :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

i think we have just about kicked the ar$e out of the HA tos vs the Truckers subject.

Hi Lighting mcqueen, the word “arse” is what I might use to describe a couple of people from BOTH sides who simply let themselves get a bit carried away in a recent debate. :grimacing:

It was only when it decended into personal attcks that things got a bit messy, but let’s see the positive in that it was only a minority of both sides who got out of hand and broke the forum rules.

As already noted, we all share the same road-space and everybody needs to go home in one piece, so IMHO it’s a team effort.

If one looks carefully enough, there are lessons to be learned by all concerned. :wink:

Wheel Nut:
Is there an RDC forum? that should be fun :stuck_out_tongue:

Can just imagine that. It’d take you three hours to log on, reject your password because it’s out of date, and then freeze your PC till the moderator’s shift changes! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

gnasty gnome:

Wheel Nut:
Is there an RDC forum? that should be fun :stuck_out_tongue:

Can just imagine that. It’d take you three hours to log on, reject your password because it’s out of date, and then freeze your PC till the moderator’s shift changes! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

pmsl :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Can we please have an end to the rising ill feeling between ourselves. :exclamation:

No ill feeling here at all. Most of us can work out who the individual numpties are just as you can. Hang on, thats , errr…me !! :smiley:

If we have a RDC forum,we will have to send our house keys in?? :laughing:

No ill feeling here at all. Most of us can work out who the individual numpties are just as you can. Hang on, thats , errr…me !! :smiley:

No it’s not. I think it all got a bit silly recently and that it is not in anyone’s interest to alienate fellow professional road users :wink:

As for an RDC forum I don’t think anyone could go that long without the use of toilet facilities, a drink that costs less then £1.50 or any form of human rights :laughing:

Mind you truckers get lots of practice :angry: :unamused:

Truce? :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: Had no idea we were at war!

I missed the argument :confused:

Any chance of a rematch :smiley:

I missed the argument :confused:

Any chance of a rematch :smiley:

It would have to be held at a neutral ground :slight_smile: The Kitchen Garden Forum??
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: