Truck sat

What’s the best HGV satnav? Not too expensive.


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Why do you drivers want cheap sat nav’s , or one that’s for a car, the HGV licence and training is very expensive so why not invest in a proper HGV sat nav that can potentially preserve the vocational licence without hitting low bridges or getting stuck in narrow lanes with spectators filming the big mistake on social media channels or end up on MSM to be scorned by the public?

You need a HGV Snooper sat nav and not a second hand one from Dave down the pub or some Chinese junk from EBay or Gumtree.

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My Go professional has sent me down ridiculous roads and wants to take me into ones with massive signs saying unsuitable for HGV plus 7.5t limits. It also thinks the A36 is shut from Salisbury until the train bridge past wilton and has done for the past year.
The general navigation has improved a bit since I restored it to factory settings and no longer save locations. There were a hell of a lot saved, so now I type them in as and when needed. Sometimes the day before so it’s quick to go to recent destinations.
Was it worth over £300? Imo no it wasn’t and I wish I had of given the Chinese jobbys a try as that was recommended to me by the driver who trained me up at Freightroute. He said they worked perfectly. I only went with a tom tom as I wasn’t fully convinced a Chinese one would cut it.

From all accounts the previous truck tom toms were much better, they even had lifetime speed cameras and maps and yet mine no longer has speed camera warnings.

You can also download the free version of Road lords which happens to be by tom tom. I’ve used it with success when I left my sat nav at home.

Not in France I hope, illegal here. :wink: :rofl:

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I used Road Lord or what ever it is called now Eurowag I think for about 4 months and it was OK, however it would often freeze both on my Android and Apple and so bought a Tom Tom app, I think the Tom Tom app is over rated and over priced.

That’s right Spardo, sat nav’s with inbuilt radar detectors and speed camera detectors are illegal in France, if stopped by the Gendarmerie they can seize the vehicle and a big court deposit must be paid immediately on the road side wherever they stop the driver.

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What is permissable though, and mine does this, it simply says ‘you are entering a dangerous speed zone’ and then I know that there is a camera somewhere over the next 5 or 10 kms or so, I forget which.

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This should help it’s a long read but good.

It does not matter a ■■■■ how hi tech your truck sat navs are, if you have an incompetent buffoon behind the wheel, and one who relies on it 100% rather than keep an open mind and only use it as a guide, you are going to get all the cluster ■■■■ of bridge bashing, and being stuck in narrow streets and lanes.
Check out you tube for proof.

As well as that none of them are 100% absolute reliable.
After years of me firstly not using one at all (not invented) then ‘progressing’ (if that is the right term) to a car sat nav for last 15 years or so, (and flatly refusing on principle to spend in excess of 300 quid for a truck one :roll_eyes:) I got a truck with a factory fitted one (in a Renault) and designated truck Tom Tom.

If I had been dumb enough to totally rely on it without pre.checks, then on 3 occasions (so far) I would have been right up sh creek.
So be warned or don’t be.
Sat navs are great,.they have made the job sooo much easier, but reliability and efficiency all depends on who (or what🙄) is using it…end of.

Meanwhile I’ll continue with the car one, whilst PRE checking a bridge height map and/'or google…a must on farm deliveries in an artic in the back and beyond

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That’s a very interesting post, as you correctly said, always use the atlas with the bridge heights, and very wise advice about farm deliveries, another tip for other drivers is not to rely solely on the address that is issued on the paperwork when collecting it at the load point.

Some farmers have land and property dotted all over the place, as I found out the hard way by rocking up very early one morning at the address on the paperwork.

I rang the farmer and he said I should have phoned him when loaded for an eta or ring when a few hours away, I didn’t do this.

The machine needed to unload the trailer could be miles away on one of his other farms, so I may need to wait for the Telehandler to show up.

The conversation with the poor farmer will always involve he had a bad year last year and made no money as he mentioned the three daughters go to a private school and there is two Range Rovers on the driveway, one for him and one for the wife!

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The BBC: Bridge Bashing Club.

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Do drivers get the dreaded brown envelope for an invitation for tea and biscuits with the Traffic Commissioner to explain their actions, does their firm have to pay out the thousands of pounds per hour to shut the railway line until an engineer arrives to declare the bridge safe again, does the railway company send the bill for the cancellation of their trains and the compensation pay out to train customers who get their tickets refunded due to cancelled trains?

For the daily bridge strikes the public never know what happened to the driver in MSM updates in local online newspapers.

Did they get a fine, ban, revoked licence, curtailed licence or it was revoked and bye bye to the vocational licence?

Why are they never prosecuted for dangerous or careless driving?

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More tea vicar.

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I once put in a Perth (WA) address 1700km away into my new satnav, after refuelling in Port Augusta. The lady in the box said “Turn right onto Ayre Highway and continue for..” elongated pause “…over one hundred miles.” :rofl:
That was the only time I ever heard her flustered.
I have seen a pair of satnavs in conflict, with both totally bamboozled, on the Birdsville track.

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Our satnavs tend to give the distance to the next junction ie keep right in 12 miles or take the second (or third) lane from the right in x miles. Or is it a case of there being no exit for that distance?

Ours do too, but this was a first gen gadget.

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The English sat nav’s say drive down a bridle path for horses.

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Our actros have sat nav,s in them , no idea what will happen with new lot taking over , but old lot said we would have a 100% sat nav fitted fleet in future

not unless you have roadlords then all bets are off including being routed towards rotherhithe tunnel and back out on the a13 rather than going through the dartford tunnel