Truck Net/Truck & Driver Help?

As everybody has seen by the number of tv programs looking at our industry and knocking it down a notch is it time we push to have our side heard? After such programs are aired we come on here and have a moan at whats been said and done, because as usual its being looked at from a totally different point of view to ours and this is what the general public see us as, to put it blunt, dangerous law breaking criminals. One man can’t do nothing about this, if I could I would. But Truck & Driver as a national magazine which supports our industry can… I think. Can they contact anyone to have a one off show organised to show the state of our industry, what we put up with on the road, our views and thoughts on various aspects and all this coming from us, it’ll givce Angus Nairn a break from the spotlight lol. Anyone else behind this??