Truck Incidents

What can and sometimes does happen

Bloody hell the last one was crazy, he jumped the barrier managed to not hit any vehicles and then vanish :open_mouth:

last one was lucky :laughing:
there is a god afteral! GOD BLESS YOU!

( link removed due to footage of fatal crashes ) jd

last one was lucky :laughing:
there is a god afteral! GOD BLESS YOU!

hmm, not sure i’d call plummeting off the side of an elevated carriageway lucky, no idea how far he fell but looks like it was far enough…

That second video looks like a collection of fatal accidents, I remember seeing the one of the green skoda embedded in the scania, I found it while google image searching for something else, except there was a picture from the front too after they’d been seperated… :confused: not nice.

All of them are on foreign roads hmmmm.