Truck & Driver Sending Pictures In!

Now not sure if this is the right place for posting this, but if it’s not would a moderator kindly put this in the right place :grimacing:

Basically I’ve tried putting my photography work into T&D but this is what I have been sent in an email.
‘Although the images have possibly been downsized for transmission, not one
of them is big enough for publication.’

Could someone please tell me what size they have to be to send in to get them published. I’m not really bothered about the tenner you get for each picture shown, I just want my work to be shown across the country. So I have something to be proud of. If someone could help me that would be great.


Jonny :sunglasses:

I sent some of my drawings into T&D by scanning the originals and sending them as Jpegs, I was get one printed in the mag back in 2009 and noticed that they used a further 2 last month :smiley:. Basically I’d advise you to send them as big as you can maybe about 800x600 and they can always scale them down instead of stretching a smaller pic. Hope this helps

In my spare time I photograph steam locomotives up and down the country, I have had a few published in Heritage railway magazine, when i started they told me just send copies of the original as taken and they will re-size them to suit.