Trouble getting on with Tapatalk

Most of this evening I’ve been having trouble accessing the site using Tapatalk. It will work for a couple of minutes and then not for about 10-15 minutes.

Anyone else had problems?

Me too cant even get it to load up the forum index :frowning: sad times

Strange, it’s working fine with 3G. Only having problems when I use my wifi at home. :confused:

mine is the other way round 3g is knackered but wifi is fine. still not playing now :smiling_imp: :imp:

Yep mines been terrible both wifi and 3g

I coukdn’t get on via wifi or 3g from 6.30 last night until about 20 mins ago. I kept getting some “Go” advert saying that the Trucknetuk domain name had expired.
I thought my pre mod had been upgraded to full banning status.