


think i’ll settle for a bucket bin liners and loo roll

Also do not forget that the pre-emptive strike can be your best friend. If you know you are going to be parked where there may be a lack of facilities, pop into a services or make use of any available toilet to attempt an unload. This is my preferred method and I can honestly say in 20 years of doing nights out I have never had to crap in anything or anywhere other than a normal toilet. No bags, buckets, safety helmets, boiler suits, saucepans, plastic tubs, trailers, bushes, fields, forests or undergrowth. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :sunglasses: Remember PPPTC*

  • Pre Planning Prevents Touching Cloth

Anyone else wondering if Coffee has now tempted fate just a little ■■?

:laughing: :laughing:

Not a chance mate, it seems I have far better sphincter control than many on here. :stuck_out_tongue: I really don’t get this situation where one second you are fine and the next you gotta go at all costs. I can honestly say that has never happened to em in my life, well it may have while I was still at the nappy age, i.e. under 1 year old. I know in plenty of time when I need a crap and can plan accordingly. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :sunglasses:

Happened to me a couple of weeks ago,while I was parked up on the A17.Woke up with stomach pains and knew I didn’t have time to get dressed and find some-where to go outside. Thought about using the only pan I carry,deciding against that. I also carry a small measuring jug for making gravy,sauces etc,but my aim would have to be spot-on :smiley: so rejected that idea.
By now,the tortoise had his head popping out the shell,so a quick look around and my gaze fell on my sandwich box.Perfect :smiley:
Gives a whole new meaning to sealed for freshness :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

This is worth a look hope the link works. Wonder if he still works there the dirty [zb] :open_mouth:

click here

edited to shorten link - repton
oh, and if you need to use a # to get round the word censor then it’s not allowed.

The link works.
I can fully sympathise with sentiments here.

A few years ago, I was doing night deliveries to shops in London. That time came, but with most of the shops in darkness, finding a loo was tricky.
Eventually, I HAD to go.
I wandered through 4 floors of this shop until I found a loo in the basement.
I often wondered what they saw on the cameras the following day…this driver
running around like a headless chicken in the almost-dark.

It was one of the most pleasant motions i’ve ever had.

This has got to be one of the funniest threads I have ever read.

As I’m sure a lot of us will admit…Its extremely funny until it happens to you, then you know the panic and pain that can set in


Still funny as (zb) though

30 odd years ago I was a Cheiftain tank driver and was on exercise out in Canada. Well it was absolutely freezing cold and sleeting so we were all wrapped up nice and warm in our one peice waterproof tank suits (a bit like a motorbike one peice but green). Any way during a break I felt the need to go off and have a shovel recce, so runs off digs a hole and sits back to enjoy. Once the paper work was completed off I go back to the tank, climbs in the drivers seat and away we go. A little later it started sleeting really bad so up went the hood of the tank suit - funny smell arounfd here I thought, strewth its getting stronger, OMG I know what it is, yes youre right I only went and dumped in me hood!! :confused: :cry: :blush:

Once the paper work was completed off

Fantastic. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
