Trolling !!

What’s it all about :question: somebody asks a stupid question sometimes a newbie ( maybe coincidence) and then you don’t hear from them again on the thread they originally started, so what’s it all about :confused:

Sad ■■■■■■■■■ with boring lives mate :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

From my own experience of when I have joined forums in the past the first few post get abusive remarks and it puts them off returning.

bald bloke:
What’s it all about :question: somebody asks a stupid question sometimes a newbie ( maybe coincidence) and then you don’t hear from them again on the thread they originally started, so what’s it all about :confused:

Is called the internet mate :wink: Where some people pretend to be people they are not, others use multiple identitities to talk to themselves… some people speak only to try to get a reaction, and some are just nutters…

Bit like an RDC waiting room :wink:

Or threre is a slim chance that the person who asked the question , genuinely doesnt know, the answer, and hasnt had a chance to get back online and check the replies since he posted, or has forgotten the web site he posted the question too…

others use multiple identitities to talk to themselves… .

Don’t need multiple identities to do that Rikki, we are or were drivers after all :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

It’s the person who asks stupid questions just to get a reaction I don’t like.

Or threre is a slim chance that the person who asked the question , genuinely doesnt know, the answer, and hasnt had a chance to get back online and check the replies since he posted, or has forgotten the web site he posted the question too…

Or the password they used when they signed up. :blush: :blush:

People do the strangest things! :open_mouth:

no issues with the trolls,good for a laugh,much more fun than how does a digi work,ive burnt myself whilst cooking :frowning: :frowning: :unamused: :unamused: ,leave them alone,its the managment,moderators and there DOUBLE STANDARDS that want sorting, :imp: :imp: :exclamation: :exclamation: :imp: :imp: