
There appears to be a lot of it about, would it be possible to put new members on premod for a week or so?

I remember the old forums had members for 3 or 4 years before they posted anything, it seems as though there are 10 or 12 new members each time I logon.

If you feel the need to check my profile I am a new starter with very few posts. Or I joined in 2004 and had over 25000 posts.

Now when I was a you’ff, that’s what you did on a Friday and Saturday night when the club’s kicked out, I think it’s called “pull a pig” now.

Wheel Nut 3:
There appears to be a lot of it about, would it be possible to put new members on premod for a week or so?

That’s easily possible, but on the other hand, it would create a fair amount of extra work for the Mod/Admin Team.

To take account of your idea, it could be (say) the first 5 posts as a kind of probationary period, just to get an idea of their posting style, but then again… many new posters make honest mistakes when they’re new to phpBB, I know I did!! :blush: