Out of the blue have been offered a trail drive on Monday with Nagel Langdons been told it will be an induction, some h and s bits, a drive and then an interview with the general manager, really don’t know what to wear as i got to be practical and also I have always believed in wearing a suit etc for interviews any ideas
Smart casual mate, tidy jeans and a tshirt is your best bet, something you’re not going to be too bothered about coupling and uncoupling in, take your work boots, gloves and a hi vis in a bag with you
Good luck
Good luck mate. I’m on up at Barnsley. It’s a good little number. Class 1 or 2?
Good luck mate. I’m on up at Barnsley. It’s a good little number. Class 1 or 2?
I’ve got class 1, but only passed in May, (my brother does trunking and swops with the barnsley run)
Have you had assessment? How’s it gone?
yes eventually as drive got cancelled due to a driver bending oneof the trucks, had drive yesterday was offered a job and start on 30th October as need to give 4 weeks notice yay, starting off on class 2 till after christmas then Class 1
Nice one, well done mate.
Gets a bit hectic in run up to xmas, but should drop off a bit in new year for when you go into artics.
Great news. All the best with it.
Thanks guys, wasnt really looking so a bit of a bonus