Travellers guilty of murder … s-34346923

Is this not TRUCKNETUK. If it is WTF has this got to do with trucks/drivers■■?

Is this not TRUCKNETUK. If it is WTF has this got to do with trucks/drivers■■?

It’s just to inform us that the number of diesel fairies has been reduced by two.

How are they travellers if they’ve got addresses?

They always have an address suitable for service of summons etc, otherwise they’d run the risk of being arrested for any offence - even for something like a duff number plate bulb.

Is this not TRUCKNETUK. If it is WTF has this got to do with trucks/drivers■■?

they drive vans and puddle jumpers don’t they[only kidding lol]but yeah you are right

That’s unusual as we all know that they usually always get away with murder! !

Swedish Blue, Bullys bar is for posting stuff that is not related to trucks and driving.

they were oth doing ok being questioned at the scene untill they were asked for their addresses…1st diddycoy replies…no fixed abode…2nd one replies…upstairs from him…

When I was a lad, the dodgems all had numbers on