So we had a mishap in the yard with an uneven load causing a shipping container to be lifted off the truck and ended up with the truck being lopsided and breaking the air bag.
My question - no other vehicles were involved. Air bags have been replaced. Does this need reporting to the TC
I’m not sure if TM’s will understand you better? But you’re saying that a 40 foot box fell off one of your trucks and would certainly have crushed to death anyone that was there? Or do you want to explain it better. Maybe it would also help if you explained what you think your responsibility is to report to the TC?
Was this an incident involving safety off the road? A workplace accident? Risk of injury to someone?
Maybe the HSE should be involved? Especially if lifting equipment was involved.
That should be reported before anyone is killed.
If there was an incident involving road related safety, or a company trying to coerce drivers into law breaking or similar then the TC might be the way to go.
A numpty fork lift driver loading a truck very badly or unevenly?
The driver calls him an idiot, and the manager gives him a kick up the backside. Job done.
I would agree that if an operator made a mistake then internal investigation (!) is fine.
If because of poor operating procedures, and the managers don’t investigate, and procedures are not changed then the HSE should be involved.
Incidents on commercial premises are entirely the remit of the HSE. No one was injured so it wouldn’t result in an investigation, but they might be interested to know what the company will do to prevent something like this becoming a reportable incident: Were there “safe systems of work” in place? Was there any breach of Health and Safety at Work (1974)? Were risk assessments in place? etc etc
If we reported every mishap to HSE just in case they’re interested, they’d have a bigger list bag than Santa. Non-events (for want of a better phrase) is not reportable to HSE. Would I suggest it’s forwarded to them for their info? No, for the same reason we wouldn’t send a copy to the OTC.
If I saw a company regularly doing something that resulted in near misses, and that no action was being taken I for one would certainly inform the HSE.
If a numpty does summat silly and he is educated in better practise, than no problem.
If managers encourage unsafe practices for reasons of economy, etc then that is a different issue. HSE time.
Yes, lifting equipment was involved and no one could have been involved or killed. More like a numpty fork lift driver and an unevenly loaded 40ft container