Transport Accounting Software

does anyone know if such a thing exists, we wish to buy some sort of program for the pc which tallies up everything and makes running a transport business easier, invoicing, keeping track of stuff etc.

A few that spring to mind are Microsoft Money, Sage and Pegasus Opera. The first two you could probably install and setup your self. Pegasus Opera may need some consultants to assist in getting it working the way you want.

I worked in a small timberyard and introduced computerised accounting from old fashioned ledgers. We went for Sage, it was pretty easy to set up after we had created the thousand or so products records that we needed. If you took stock control out of the equation, it really would be quite a doddle.

i use a programme called “simply books”. not only is it much cheapr than sage, its much easier to use if your a novice, its as the title says, simply easy.

yes, we use sage, but i was wondering if a program designed for transport exists, one that does your vehicles costings profits mpgs drivers wages etc without having to manually do it over and over and working the sums etc

chunkytransport wrote:-

but i was wondering if a program designed for transport exists, one that does your vehicles costings profits mpgs drivers wages etc without having to manually do it over and over and working the sums etc

If you are manually doing the same sums, surely all you need is a spreadsheet, they are ideal for that sort of thing.

Smart Mart:
chunkytransport wrote:-

but i was wondering if a program designed for transport exists, one that does your vehicles costings profits mpgs drivers wages etc without having to manually do it over and over and working the sums etc

If you are manually doing the same sums, surely all you need is a spreadsheet, they are ideal for that sort of thing.

Or depending on the size of the firm a database may be suitable if you want to keep track of drivers hours wages vehicle fuel consumption ec’t, but perhaps a bigger learning curve.

yes, we use sage, but i was wondering if a program designed for transport exists, one that does your vehicles costings profits mpgs drivers wages etc without having to manually do it over and over and working the sums etc

There IS a specialist program avaliable - try - They do different versions for Traffic Management; Garage & Workshops; Warehousing; and Finance.

From what I hear it is quite a good system if used correctly, although it is pricey. :blush:

I don’t know if this is any use to you, but if you find something similar for cheaper - I will be very interested myself… :laughing: