Trailer Swaps

Used to do a swap in a Northern truckstop no problem, new for this year a change of route and basically been asked to swap almost by the roadside in a quiet almost disused piece of road. Can’t say I’m thrilled about it, thought of dropping a loaded trailer and watching it sink won’t be fun at midnight! Anyone up on the legality of swapping on or nr rd apart from obvious lighting.

Used to do a swap in a Northern truckstop no problem, new for this year a change of route and basically been asked to swap almost by the roadside in a quiet almost disused piece of road. Can’t say I’m thrilled about it, thought of dropping a loaded trailer and watching it sink won’t be fun at midnight! Anyone up on the legality of swapping on or nr rd apart from obvious lighting.

Only place I’ve had issues was ferry bridge services , must be 10 yrs ago and they wanted to charge me ,that long ago I cant remember how much .
Can’t you carry a couple of planks of wood to chuck under legs ( you don’t need planks ,a couple of squares would do it) , use them on building sites and had no issues .
As for safety , do it where you feel comfortable ,safe , thats what I’ve done in past .
legality , I’ve no idea ,like most things ,no one cares until it goes wrong :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation:

Why would it sink? Do you know that the ground at the truckstop is better than a road?

I don’t think they are asking you to swap trailers on lane 2 of the M25, you are in a quiet backstreet and may even get to see some dogging :open_mouth:

If it sinks, video it so we can all enjoy the fun.

Why would it sink? Do you know that the ground at the truckstop is better than a road?

I don’t think they are asking you to swap trailers on lane 2 of the M25, you are in a quiet backstreet and may even get to see some dogging :open_mouth:

If it sinks, video it so we can all enjoy the fun.

bollox to that…forget the trailer…video the dogging… :open_mouth:

If you are unsure about it sinking some pieces of wood under the legs should do the trick pal :wink:

If you are unsure about it sinking some pieces of wood under the legs should do the trick pal :wink:

Aye we’ve aquired some large square mat type things like cranes use under legs. So hopefully covered that aspect!

If your not happy arrange it with other driver and swap some where else simple

Mass of people doing it at Walton Summit Bamber Ind Est. Bridge. Parcel people, Pollock’s Scott Trans and many more.

If it bothers you then just swap units and trailers ( especially if they have a fancier one !! ) :smiley:

oh and remember to let off a huge ■■■■ just before exiting your unit ! :laughing: